October 2002 Archives


Okay, everybody, check this one out:
BMW America has put up another short film with Clive Owen as "The Hire" this time a short and very suspenseful little thriller called "Hostage" directed by none other than John Woo. You can watch it at bmwfilms.com. It's pretty big (my DSL-connection needed about an hour to download it) but in my opinion more than worth it.


And great - Konquerer (the KDE2 webbrowser) has problems with the blogger..


As I said some days before - as soon as I am finished with building the blog, I start to lose my interest in it. Well, I'm writing something now.. before I go to uni later. This morning I had a nice ride home and back again with the open top.. well, at least the weather is nice today.

Laser Printer

One day, when I am big, I'll also get myself a laser printer.. I'm at my dad's office now and print stuff for uni - and it's just too great to see it print out page and page and page so very fast.. I'm kinda feeling like printing more, but I guess I rather shouldn't do that.. ;-)

Boys and Girls..

Uahaha.. my friend Janet just showed me this:
Funky Game

Great, great..

Great, great.. my lovely friend Xin Lan from Shanghai decided to tell me the wrong word for donkey. Now I really looked stupid for everyone knowing chinese and reading this blog. Gracias amiga.

Hooray, maths!

Hooray, maths!
I need more sleep, folks..

Eraly Morning

It's kinda hard getting used to waking up that early - especially when staying up for ages the night before. Well, anyway, I entered myself for the LA1 courses and now I have to hope to get the time, that I want.

Gayly Coloured

I just googled for "gayly coloured" and this was the best result: http://www.geocities.com/pidgee3/australianbirds.html.
(Turn the volume up, it's really... nice..)

Uni started today..

Uni started today again and the first class was already a bomb: Maths. Hooray. And way to early. Well, whatever, today it was still quite understandable but the lecturer seems to me like the kind of guy, who doesn't understand, how people can not be as intelligent as him and that some things just aren't obvious. Well, that was the first impression, so maybe that will change later.
My timetable for uni this term is here: http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~schwind/, at the moment it's gayly coloured.. yellow are the classes, that are at that time for sure, the other colours just represent choices - one of each colour will be it, that will be decided this and next week. Actually I hope to have as many morning classes as possible, so I have my afternoons fairly free.


Great.. didn't I want to do something today? Like get some more content on that page? Or work on bondgirls.de? Yeah, but somehow I didn't get anything done. Well, whatever.

Party on dudes..

Party on dudes.. I've been at one of those university parties yesterday and it was actually quite enjoyable.. at least my head feels now, as if I had fun yesterday..

Good morning, everybody..

Good morning, everybody.. the last weekend before the classes start again. Let's hope it get's to be fun..

You ask why?

You ask why? Well, you'll see..

Comments system..

Bugger that comments system.. it's history now.. yihaa.. *kick* *kick* *kick*


Okay.. I'm messing around with Smarty, so if something doesn't work here, blame it, not me.. ;-)

ah, coffee..

ah, coffee..

yihaa, I made it..

yihaa, I made it.. well, the results from the test are there and I passed..

So, what will happen next?

So, what will happen next?
Test is taken, room is cleaned up and the classes just start again on monday.. so now I have some time to update my homepage and make it look a bit better than it does now. Actually I should change bondgirls.de, but I kinda don't feel like doing that at the moment.

Test taken..

Test taken, it was actually quite okay.. now the waiting for the results can begin.. maybe they'll aready post them tomorrow..
And after the test, I finally got my room cleaned up.. looks just about twice the size without all the clutter lying around..


I'll be off now to the test.. TI.. that's some sort of chip design theory and as boring as collecting empty coke bottles..

Nice little test..

Hooray.. a nice little test today. I hate it.

Next day, same routine..

Next day, same routine.. well, sort of.

Well, well..

Well, well.. now that was quite some studying today.. well, actually it really was and not just some idlying around as it happened the last few days. ;-)

Just got up..

Just got up and I'm already late.. I'm supposed to meet a friend of mine for studying in 20 minutes..

Works now..

Okay.. now my funky blog should be finished and sort of working - and I guess now is the moment, when I start to lose interest in it.. ;-)
This wouldn't be too bad, actually, since I am supposed to study my butt off now.. which is exactly, what I'll be doing now.

Okay, I hope it works..

Okay, I hope it works now.. looks still kinda ugly in Opera, but I can't quite help that. I also didn't check in NN4 yet..

Just got up..

Just got up (yeah, I know, it's already 10:30 or so) and feel extremely annoyed - those comments look so ugly AND I rather should be studying instead of messing around with that page..

Okay, it should work now..

Okay, it should work now.. but it looks disgusting and the validator screams, when he sees all that.. but I'm really tired now, so I'm off to bed.. tomorrow night again..

Okay, it's getting late..

Okay, it's getting late.. but now I kinda really want some commenting system to work.. So another greeting to the coffee..

Big plans

I just decided to use this blog as the framework for my complete webpage. It would be quite easy to update and I could still add the bits, I might need one day later.
It looks a bit difficult to realize all this in valid XHTML and PHP, but I guess I'll make it somehow.

Well, great, it works..

Well, great, it works.. maybe one day, I'll be able to use that for something interesting..


Just about to find a way to integrate my iMood-indicator. Not all that easy at the moment.


Hooray.. I keep watching my old TI-Lessons and what can I say? I just hate it.
My flatmate's cellphone keeps going - with the most annoying sound I ever heard on a cellphone. Not even Bernd Becker's voice can outannoy that..


Thing to remember:
Shopping on a friday afternoon always takes longer than expected.

Ben Dan

By the way:
Why ben dan?
Easy to answer: on ICQ my nickname is Asinus, which is Latin for donkey. Since I'm starting to grow tired of that, I looked for another language to be a donkey in. And well, ben dan is donkey in Mandarin. (Thanks to Xin Lan for telling me, xiexie)

Great, great..

Great, great.. after studying yesterday, I got a little bit drunk - from just two drinks, boy, boy, I'm starting to lose my edge.. (I always wanted so say that, but I'm not quite sure, if I really ever had an edge..)
It will be back to TI now.. oh, I'll be so celebrating, when that stupid exam will be over.

Archive Look and Feel

Okay, that was a fast one - the archive pages have the same look as the main page. Maybe you want to drop me a line by email to tell me, how you like the look of the page?

Madonna's Die Another Day

Okay, I just heard the new Madonna/James Bond song and what can I say: interesting.. It's quite a good Madonna song and there are some very bondian elements to it, but besides that, well, I guess I'll have to wait until having it on the big screen during the movie.
Besides that, I guess I'll fix the archives page now and then get back to the studies. Hooray.

Konfuzius sagt..

Konfuzius sagt:
Wer sich in einen Spekulatius setzt, hat Krümel im Arsch.

Design is done

Okay, the design is sort of done. (don't you dare looking at the archive pages..)

Not much to write

The big problem with this design is, that everyone can see, how I don't write all that much..
And that's a little bit embarassing..

Hello to Andrea

This one is a big HELLO from here to Brazil.. :-) Hi Andrea... :-)

First Entry

Yeah, now I also have such a funny thing as a blog. Let' see if I'll really use that.. ;-)
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