January 2003 Archives

I'm back...

I'm back...

So, hello everybody..

So, hello everybody.. I don't really have much to tell, that I didn't tell on email and that's why I don't write much more.. ;)
I had a couple of pictures processed yesterday and some are there right now and I will scan some of them, when I am back home to show you.. :)


Hottttttt today.. I hope my deo works all day.. ;)

Heyho, greetings from Malaysia.. :)

Heyho, greetings from Malaysia.. :)
I arrived here well, I start to get used to the weather and I really like it here. I can't really write much now, since Wendy will have her lunchbreak soon now, so maybe I will write more next week - or tell you, when I am back.. I really do already have a lot to tell.. ;)
See you.. :)
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