Quick update

Okay, another quick update on what's going on.. I wanted to send a couple of letters today, fired up my printer just to find it making funny lines through all the letters. Damn it. I re-adjusted the print heads, didn't help a fart.. well, so I sent a couple of more pages through the printer and after a while, it started printing fine again.. I guess it's just a matter of being lovely to those dumb machines.. ;-(
Well, what more new do I have? My search for a job until august or so didn't bring any more results today. So I guess next try tomorrow, have to find something after all.. (for reasons I rather disclose here, yet.. those, who are allowed to know, should know by now and for all the others - it's nothing big, no worries..)
Hm, anymore updates? Nah, I don't think so.. just that I'm really tired lately, could be a result from staying up every night until three or so and getting up around eight.. I somehow need my sleep module re-adjusted.. ;-)
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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on February 20, 2003 4:57 PM.

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