
Yeah, as I said before and will say again: at some point, I just don't know, what to write in a blog like this. My life ain't that interesting and the really interesting things are pretty much private or internal stuff from the company, so I'm not going to put that on my webpage.
I could put up some meta-crap about the look and feel of this blog, which still uses the Movable Type standard look, but I guess no-one but me will be interested in that. On a happy sidenote, an international conference in Kuala Lumpur came to the conclusion, that SARS is mostly fought back by now, so I'll be able to visit Malaysia again in July. Hooray.. :-D That would be about it, I guess, let's see if I can think of more until tonight.
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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 18, 2003 8:17 PM.

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