Whoohoo, it's me again..

Whoohoo, it's me again..
Somehow I really seem to be way to lazy for a blog/web diary kinda thing, since I rather fall asleep or talk to my friends on all those nifty instant messaging things instead of posting something here.. and well, besides that, I don't really have so much to tell and to show.
The company I work for since the beginning of this month seems to be really cool until now - I haven't met all the guys there, but for me it seems like I'll quite like working there for the next couple of years. And uh, yeah.. I'm a Junior Consultant. Sounds like terribly important. In fact, in this company, it's a synonym for "student"..
Well, enough blabla for today, it's way too hot outside to move my fingers anymore..
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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 14, 2003 2:42 PM.

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