July 2003 Archives


My friend Giacomo has some cute baby hamsters.

Changing the look of lostfocus.de

For the next couple of days/weeks it might be possible, that this page looks a bit weird, especially since I'm going to work at the templates, that the Weblog Engine is using. So it might be possible, that some of the pages are not quite accessible in the way they're intended to be.

Error message..

Client Error When I started the Trivia thingy in the Malaysian Airlines Inflight Entertainment System, I got this cute Windows-looking error message..

Back in Germany

Yesterday I arrived back in Germany.. what can I say, not too much to tell, I'm slightly jetlagged and not too willing to realize, I'm so far away from Wendy again. Sucks.. On the light side.. there is much truth here..

Beaoty and the Beast

Wendy Seow and Dominik Schwind

For better brainpower..

For better Brainpower

Internet Center in Kuala Lumpur

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And for those who wish to know and maybe someone happen to look for that, here is a little reference on how to get to Yoshi Connection, the Internet Center in Kuala Lumpur, that I can only recommend. The people there are really friendly, the atmosphere is nice and relaxed and the equipment is modern and fast. And no, they're not paying me for this entry. ;-)
Let's start from a quite obvious point in town, there should be absolutely no problem to find KLCC aka Petronas Towers. Starting from Suria KLCC, using the entrance at the Kuala Lumpur Philharmonic Orchestra, you should be presented by a view like this:
View out of Suria KLCC
Turning to your left, you should be able to see a white building like this:
White building to the left
Walk straight to it, you'll have to cross some roads to get there.
Way to Yoshi Connection
You'll know you're at the right building, when you can see this signboard on the building:
Signboard for Yoshi Connection, the Internet Center in Kuala Lumpur, close to KLCC Petronas Towers
Just enter the building, which is mainly filled with offices, but also includes some banks, a fabric store and various other companies, go straight to the second floor and you'll be there.

Finally - the official SARS soft drink

SARS tightly put into a can..

Sleep well..

You dont have to sleep alone anymore..

Another day in Malaysia..

And yet another day in KL for me, and today I went to the Skybridge between the Petronas Towers. More pictures are going to follow, as soon as I have the memory card full again and bring the cable and cam with me to the place here.. One thing about Suria KLCC, the mall I mentioned before, that's really dangerous, is the huge bookstore Kinokuniya at the top floor. It's almost impossible for me to walk through the aisles there without seeing books and books and books, that I would just love to buy.. And I usually tend to find those, that are a wee bit expensive.. Another thing I found a couple of days ago and finally managed to take some pictures of, is the official drink to the disease - SARS.. I'll post those pictures as soon as I have them and as soon as I can stop laughing about the weird Asian humour, that created that drink..

Some pictures..

Wendy Seow and Dominik Schwind
Wendy Seow and Dominik Schwind

Almost most serious offense..

.. is holding hands in public.. Don't ask..

Crossing the road (and other Malaysian Adventures)

It's quite an adventure to cross the road in Kuala Lumpur and it seems to be one of the big kicks to do it as often and as risky as possible. Maybe I'm just not used to those kind of streets, coming from quite a small town, but crossing a six-lane inner-city road in the middle of rush hour on the basis of "Oh, they are going to stop anyway" sounds more than just dangerous to me.. especially considered the fact that Malaysian drivers are going to do anything but stop. Maybe they will sverve (sp?), but not stop.. amazingly enough, even with hundreds of people crossing the crowded street at the same time, almost nothing seems to happen..

Tuesday, Tuesday..

So, the second day of me hanging around KLCC, while my girl is working.. it's kinda boring, but all the waiting is worth those moments, when she is with me.. (and yes, I am aware of the fact, that this sounds very cheesy.. )

I arrived..

So okay, I arrived in Malaysia yesterday and it's amazing how happy I was, when the trip was over.. ;)

Daniela Cicarelli

I have no clue, who Daniela Cicarelli is, but she's damn hot..

Travelin' man

Hey everybody, tomorrow morning I will travel to Malaysia for a quite special reason. Since I'll be able to go to an internet cafe there, I should be sending some news here from time to time. Well, in case something newsworthy happens.
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