A walk in the park

(by the Nick Straker Band)

A walk in the park
I've got to get some sense back into my head
I'm in the dark and I can't see where I am being led
I'd give the world to set the clock back and act like a man
Where can I turn to save myself from this confusion

A walk in the park, a step in the dark
A walk in the park, a trip in the dark
I'm getting away escaping today

A walk in the park
Away from all the busy streets of my mind
I seek a straighter path
I seek a shady glade in which to unwind
But why do we go on in spite of mistakes, in spite of destruction
Life can be fun depending on your situation.

A walk in the park, a step in the dark
A walk in the park, a trip in the dark
I'm getting away escaping today

A walk in the park, a step in the dark
A walk in the park, a trip in the dark
I'm getting away escaping today
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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on August 22, 2003 9:10 PM.

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