Someone commented on my entry about a webpage with drawings about aliens, made by children.. and lo, behold, it is the author of the page himself: Mister Michael Menkin:

He is the mastermind behind the thought screen helmet, a helmet, made to stop aliens control our minds. It can be seen at his creator's head on the picture above.
It seems to work quite well, as some testimonials on the page show:

He is the mastermind behind the thought screen helmet, a helmet, made to stop aliens control our minds. It can be seen at his creator's head on the picture above.
It seems to work quite well, as some testimonials on the page show:
Still nothing new to report it must work!
It's hard to tell if it works or not. I think it works.
The aliens clearly do not like the helmet.
As long as humankind produces minds like Mister Menkin's mind and technology like his helmet, I am sure, we can win the Telepathic War against the alien intruders!