Bilingual codeswitching..

I just found this article on Jump Cut. And I kind of feel somewhere in there I can find the reason, why I feel, that it is so much easier to write emails or weblog entries in English - even though until I was about 18, my English was worse than my handwriting, which is highly unlikely..
In fact, I think I know, why I write so many things in English and sometimes even use English phrases in German conversations, which is actually quite unnerving for both the other persons and me, who is actually quite proud of the fact, that my level of German is quite high. And I think, by now I am moving towards the point, where I understand the reason for my affinity to the English language - it enables me, unlike German, to talk to people all over the world, a fact, that actually got me into a lot of trouble..
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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on September 14, 2003 2:32 PM.

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