October 2003 Archives

Die Suche geht weiter..

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..nach dem ultimativen Weblog-Tool. Vielleicht sind ja meine Ansprüche auch zu hoch?

Lost it on radar..

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..found it on google Found at Kinomu Blog

Was ich noch machen will..

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  • deutsch- und englischsprachiges Weblog trennen, dabei nur mit dem deutschsprachigen nach blogg.de pingen,
  • .htaccess dahin gehend ändern, dass die permalinks nicht mehr hässlicherweise so: index.php?m=200310#post-16 sondern so: /200310/#post-16 aussehen. Ist zwar nicht so viel besser, aber mir reicht das.
  • WordPress beibringen, die Permalinks auch tatsächlich so in die Templates zu schreiben - vorallem auch in die RSS-Feeds
  • das Design individueller gestalten. Dabei möchte ich vom völlig überfrachteten Look des Designs vorher weg und ein deutlich simpleres und eleganteres Design finden - schwer für mich, der ich in der Hinsicht nicht sehr talentiert bin
  • und all die tausend kleinen Problemchen, die sich bei solchen Aufgaben ergeben, müssen natürlich auch schnellstmöglich aus der Welt geschafft werden.

Das klappt ja schon ganz gut.

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Der letzte Test funktionierte ja schon bestens, jetzt fangen die Feinheiten an - Templates anpassen, Dateien via .htaccess verschieben, das ganze auch nochmal auf englisch aufsetzen..

Wenn dieser Eintrag..

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.. wieder nicht bei blogg.de erscheint, werde ich weitersuchen m

Dies ist ein erstes Testposting

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Dies ist nur ein kleines Testposting, mit dem ich ausprobieren will, ob WordPress meinen Anforderungen genügt.

Last Entry

This is the last entry for this incarnation of the weblog. There will be a new one, don't worry about that.
You can find the archives here.

Last Entry

This is the last entry for this incarnation of the weblog. There will be a new one, don't worry about that.

Silent weblog.

Some people wondered lately, why I don't post so many things here anymore. The reason is a simple one: Because I'm getting pissed at my Movable Type giving me that stupid error 500 everytime I post an entry. I was looking for the reason, why that happened all of a sudden, but until now, I couldn't find any. I have enough space on my account left, I didn't touch the configuration, just all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore and now I don't like MT too much anymore. And for some reason, my plans to write my own little weblogging tool doesn't really move on. So, at some point, I'll have to redo everything again with a new tool, but that might take some while.


.. would be nice, if it would be working..


.. is extremely boring. I need more coffee..

Petra Nemcova

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Since BigO doesn't seem to dare to do so: Petra Nemcova found at LinkSlut

The Two Towers

..is a very boring film the third time around. Kinda sad to notice that.

Friday Five

1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?
Hardly ever. Sometimes some F1 and Rallye, veeery seldom some soccer or maybe the Tour de France.
2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes?
I don't have any.
3. Are there any sports you hate?
Not quite. Most seem to be quite pointless.
4. Have you ever been to a sports event?
I've been to the Swiss Indoors in Basel, the World Rallye Championship Race in Trier and quite a lot of smaller events.
5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play?
I ski.

The Communcation Link, again..

For your convenience it is here again: the communcation method, that just got mentioned during class.


My java-course teacher uses a Weblog to keep us informed. Let's see, how this works..

Lost it on radar..

..found it on google
Found at Kinomu Blog


I did a lot today, but somehow I can't find any energy to write more here. And I'm sure, MT will once again not ping anyone..

Too daring?

Is it too daring, to use this as start-up screen?

Friday Five

1. What vehicle do you drive?
This VW Transporter:
vw transporter
2. How long have you had it?
About half a year now, my dad used to drive it for quite a while, now, though.
3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
Space. And you can use it as a camping thingy, if you put in a bed.
4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
Huge. Slow. Not sexy at all.
5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
I answered that question before..


Lately I have some problems with my MT not pinging as I wish..

Petronas Towels

Hm, I don't know, if the person looking for the Petronas Towels was simply Chinese or making some point about Arab Oil bosses.. anyway.. he found my page first in Google.. ;-)

Sexy beast

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Following the lead of BigO, I hereby present my dream car:

Sexy beast

Following the lead of BigO, I hereby present my dream car:


One year of useless blogging on this page.. ;-)


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One year of useless blogging on this page.. ;-)

Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Vivica Fox

..are all three hot women, but here, their names are mainly search engine bait. It's the first of october today and I kind of wonder, which one of the three ladies will place top-most on my search logs.
Last month it was Daniela Cicarelli and - surprisingly - Kiera Knightley, even though the last one didn't even exist on those pages until now...
If you were actually really looking for one of the three ladies, look here is Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu and Vivica Fox.
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About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from October 2003 listed from newest to oldest.

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