Recently in Twitter Category


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  • surprised by getting my Qype reviews via Twitter. Web 2.0 is fun. #
  • @hackr: SchlaFen natürlich #
  • @hackr: Solange Du gut schlagen kannst... #
  • having British smoothies. Not any different from the local true fruit ones. #
  • annoyed by Seesmic. Flash-crap. #
  • quoting my wife: "Look at her FACE!" #
  • having a cold drink. "Rosie, das war klasse!" #
  • back at home base. #


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  • trying to survive Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon. Not bloody easy, I tell you. #
  • giggling like a school kid while wondering what kind of place Cockfosters is. #


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  • having a coffee and a conversation at Caffe Ritazza. #
  • arrived well in London, Hotel is okay, now pondering our lunch and sightseeing options. #
  • freezing at the bus terminal. #
  • very much in favour of pretty Scottish girls wearing low-cut tops even when it\'s cold. #
  • @poolie: danke! #
  • pitying those poor people whose flight got delayed from 6:50 to 13:50. #


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  • wondering about Gimli, Groin's son. #
  • wondering what to listen to first - the jurassic park soundtrack, "best of bootie 2007" or the new Alizee album? #
  • having a true fruits orange smoothie. Somehow not so satisfying today. #
  • wondering if I should get an Eurocup beanie for my trip to London. #
  • noticing that @dreamseer doesn't trust me with his mail address. #
  • having a chill run down my spine as I listen to my wife telling her sister she is hoping for winter sales for our trip to london tomorrow. #
  • going to bed late tonight. #


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  • cursing heartily at the macbook. WC3 runs fine in single player, crashes on #
  • @addieplum they might be banned in Malaysia. Just a guess, but I could imagine it. #
  • having a Coke from a can. #
  • showing my wife Monty Python sketches on YouTube. She never heard of Monty Python! The outrage! #
  • getting up from a six hour nap. Now preparing to go to bed for the night. #
  • preparing to get up for driving back to Bonn. #


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  • wondering if I'll manage to get up in about six hours. #
  • freezing my butt off while waiting for Jan, who refuses to use twitter. #
  • walking through Lörrach, every single bar is closed. Damn. #
  • @rednix n hat mein Vater, das ist für meine Wurstfinger zu klein... #
  • wondering if I should bring that one to office on monday: #
  • checking "teh webs" for a short while. 408 unread email. Yuck. Switching the computer back off. #
  • packing our stuff and getting ready to get on the road. First station: home and then: London calling. #
  • announcing my new year's resolutions: I'll start smoking, drink more, steal candy from kids and generally make life more miserable for t ... #


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  • wishing everyone a happy new year! Standing around between hundreds of drunk tourists. Fun? #
  • signing off for this year, about to enjoy a fondue chinoise. #
  • very annoyed that those stupid Swiss people are not selling one single rocket. 'Fireworks is only allowed on the national holiday' #
  • noticing that five years ago today my wife and me met for the first time offline. #
  • sending the family to do the shopping today. On sane person would want to go out there today. Instead enjoying the winter sun over the s ... #
  • @poolie: sehr cool! #
  • @poolie: gprs ist aus der Schweiz zu teuer, sonst würde ich nachschauen. #
  • @poolie: carrera go oder eine 'richtige'? #
  • wondering if twitter sms will go down once the aussies start sending new year greetings. #


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  • forced to listen to "36 Grad" #
  • thinking about generation gaps. Also thinking about different realities. #
  • enjoying some hot ovo. #


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  • having delicious thai/filipino dinner. #
  • @moe: Ich hätte Dich an der erstbesten Raststelle ausgesetzt... #
  • finally done with the supermarket. Inappropriately smitten by the girl behind me in line. #
  • amused how easy it is to spot the Russians at the supermarket. #


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  • wondering if the new Alizée album is any good. In related news: There is a new Alizée album. #
  • @poolie: Congratulations! #
  • on an overdose of family. Trying to plan a day with my wife alone, dad and sisters want to come along. #
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