December 2002 Archives

Swiss Week

So, maybe you might like to know, how my week in Switzerland went. Well, I have to say, now that I write it on my notebook here - on Wednesday evening - it's pretty nice. Some things are a bit annoying - like the fact that my *#+&%$ cellphone uses up it's battery faster than ever and I can't always send the SMS I want to send..

Okay everybody..

Okay everybody.. I'm more or less about to leave.. well, not quite, yet, but I won't be around here much longer.. ;-) I'll check back in here at the 29th and then.. :-) can't wait for that day.. :-)

Whew, finally back..

Whew, finally back in my room in Lörrach again - the whole day was quite a bit stressed.. ;-) After only four hours of sleep, I got up quite early to clean my room and pack my stuff. After a short shopping trip to town, I met with some friends for an early lunch and after that back to packing and cleaning - what a fun.. ;-)
Another hour of uni - which was mainly a funny car driving lesson Maggy gave me - I went home and finally got everything packed.. driving home though thick fog, I went to my dad's office christmas dinner - quite nice but waaaay too much - now I'm feeling like a really fat man.. ;-)

Automated Translation..

Uh.. Systran is doing a great job: in German

Friday, the 13th

So, today is Friday, the 13th.. what bad thing did happen to you? ;-)
My little accident for today was forgetting my cellphone in my room, and my poor sister had to drive back, so I could fetch it.. not really bad, but hey, I don't want any worse.. ;-)

Ebay Spoof

Ah, the secret wish of all older sibling is shown in this ebay-Spoof. In German, though..
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