February 2003 Archives



Little Problem

There seemed to be a little problem with the archive, I hope it is fixed by now..

Spank the monkey!

Quick update

Okay, another quick update on what's going on.. I wanted to send a couple of letters today, fired up my printer just to find it making funny lines through all the letters. Damn it. I re-adjusted the print heads, didn't help a fart.. well, so I sent a couple of more pages through the printer and after a while, it started printing fine again.. I guess it's just a matter of being lovely to those dumb machines.. ;-(
Well, what more new do I have? My search for a job until august or so didn't bring any more results today. So I guess next try tomorrow, have to find something after all.. (for reasons I rather disclose here, yet.. those, who are allowed to know, should know by now and for all the others - it's nothing big, no worries..)
Hm, anymore updates? Nah, I don't think so.. just that I'm really tired lately, could be a result from staying up every night until three or so and getting up around eight.. I somehow need my sleep module re-adjusted.. ;-)


Ah, damn it.. I should have started to think about the things I want to do with my homepage before just writing the stuff. Now I am sitting here with a huge chaos and since I want to follow the "cool urls don't change"-thingy, I have some problems to work out. Most probably I won't be so able to do this today, since later I'll have to drive back to Freiburg, since my Chinese lessons there start today! Yay!

Still not so beautiful..

Still not so beautiful and I'm sure the validator is going to cry.. but better than before.


Yo! My CCS sucks. Need to change it somehow fast..

Big plans

With the remake of my main page to pay tribute to the fact, that I'm looking for work, some things around here are going to change. Doesn't actually have to do anything with that fact, but hey, better than no reason, eh?
I just feel that my page sucks a bit, the way it is now. Okay, it's nice to be able to read my cv and send me a "u blow"-message, but where the f#&% is the content, man? Well, that's what I'm going to do:
  1. Put this blog where it belongs. Well, it's already there, but it should somehow fit better into the overall mood of the page, if you get my drift. If you don't get it, I can't help it anyway.
  2. Put more stuff from my old pages here again. Man, I had a couple of interesting things and all of them are somehow on one of my archive cds and therefore out of reach for most of us. All of us, except me, now that I come to think of it.
  3. Think of new things. That might be the hardest part.
  4. Use this blog actually - not so much as blog, but more in the diary way. Well, you won't find my deepest desires and hidden secrets here, but still might be interesting to read, if you're not bored as it is anyway.

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