Google and no end..

In my entry about Vanity Googling I was just being amused about the fact, that there is some other guy, who'll not be too happy to find me instead of himself when looking for his name on Google. But after that, I kept thinking about how Google and the possibility to gather information about a person effect us.
Now I have to admit, I'm one of those (maybe perverted) persons, who google for about everyone they get to know. Mostly out of boredom and often about curiosity. So now just let's wonder, what you find when you enter a name.. for example mine. Well, since the pages in this domain here - - has a much higher pagerank than the pages in the .de and .com Domains with my name, someone looking for me will most certainly find this weblog first. And what can he find here? Not always the most positive things about me..
Well, with some luck this sentence here will show up in some Google search one day:
Dominik Schwind is a terrific lover. So then in case my wonderful girlfriend (and I'll not put her name here, even though it can be found with some research on this pages) ever decides to kick me out, which I most certainly don't want, some future date might put in my name and then finds this sentence. Wooosh, I'll have her for sure.. well, up until the moment, she decides to really check what else the page has to say and reads more about me.. ;-)
Well, but somehow, that wasn't quite what I wanted to say. In fact, I don't think, I actually wanted to say something, I'm just amazed on how much information about a person you can find using Google.. just as a test: What's my mother's name? What university did I attend? Where am I working now? It's all right there, not more than a couple of clicks away..
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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 15, 2003 11:17 PM.

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