
And since I'm just so into writing my blog and thinking about Google, I want to repeat a little experiment, some people, who think way more about things like that and things like (X)HTML than me started some while ago.
They wanted to know, how fast the word schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat would turn up in Google. By now more pages than everyone was thinking would be possible are found. Since I'm now interested in how fast a page with a PageRank of 3 as this page here can put a word into the Google index, I hereby put the word steakwithpotatosalad on my page.
And yes, I do know, that schnitzel isn't the same as steak, thank you.
So now we have sunday evening, I'll check a couple of time, if returns any results.
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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 15, 2003 11:59 PM.

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