Whoohoo, after the pointless posting 300 (three hundred!!) now another pointless posting.. ;-)
September 2003 Archives
Yepp, the last entry was in great style..
Once again I found something at Noch'n Blogg. (Now I'll remember the auto-trackback-function..) And this time it is FriendOfAFriend. I made my Foaf-File using the FoaF-a-Matic. You can check it out here with the FoaFer. And yes, I know, it is empty by now. Somehow I lack geeky enough friends for this kind of stuff.. ;-)
Since the hosting service for my CoffeeCounter seems to be down this morning, I had to remove it for a while.. it's coming back for sure, though..
Just found at Manche Tage: A great way to tell the time.
..and its implementations is something, that I didn't get 100%, yet..
I just wrote an entry, trackbacking to the original source and for some weird reason, my Movable Type decided to ping it twice..
I just found a great communication project at lumma.de, which is going to revolutionize the communication parameters of the internet.
During a conversation..
- Person 1:
Ah, forget about it, there are more important things in life..
- Person 2:
More important than beer?
- Person 1:
- after looking at his bottle of beer for a short while
Maybe not.
During a conversation..
- Person 1:
Ah, forget about it, there are more important things in life..
- Person 2:
More important than beer?
- Person 1:
- after looking at his bottle of beer for a short while
Maybe not.
Does anyone out there know a wap client for MT, that supports the building of the page? This mobile weblogging thing I use now is nice, but can't rebuild anything..
Well, this week, friday five doesn't have any questions for me, so I just took the very first set of questions..
- 1. Where were you born (city or state or just country)?
- Lörrach
- 2. What is your favorite number?
- 24. Don't ask me, why, I don't know.
- 3. Vanilla or chocolate?
- Vanilla
- 4. What section of a bookstore would I find you in?
- Almost any. Most probably the computer or fantasy section.
- 5. What kind of mattress do you have on your bed? soft? firm? water?
- Sort of softish, but not too soft.
Check out: Mario is a communist!
No point in this post

For no apparent reason..

I want a mac.. :-(
I'm not sure, if I should just change the templates for dominikschwind.com or the whole underlying framework..
Yesterday, it didn't work yet, but now the webpage of my girlfriend is online. Not much content, yet, though.. ;-)

When I was trying, if my girlfriend's webpage is finally connected, that dumb VeriSign thingy suggested I go here instead. Well, curious as I am, I did and found this HK model, who's kinda cute.. I wonder, though, if the money from those almost-porn banners really find their way to her..
Okay, I have to admit, I'm a sucker for silly things like.. uh.. imood and those things. Well, as you can see on the coffeecounter.. ;-)
So.. now I am in a huge dilemma. It is saturday. And I found The Friday Five. Now what? Wait until next week? Be a lame ass?
So.. now I am in a huge dilemma. It is saturday. And I found The Friday Five. Now what? Wait until next week? Be a lame ass?
I just found The Friday Five after TWO years and that.. on a saturday.Uhm, well, yes.. so.. here it goes:
- 1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why?
- I don't think I have one single favorite one. I wondered for a moment, if I should place Marilyn Manson here, since, well, since I have most of his CDs and listen to them quite regularly. On the other hand, the more I think about it, I'd say Linkin Park is more like it.
If some of my friends would be reading this now, they'd be like what??!!, but well.. if you really think about it, they're nothing but a bunch of geeks making music. Did someone watch that dvd? They're playing on their computers for hours and hours and after a while, they have some music, which I actually don't want to see live. I can't say why, but I wouldn't want that. - 2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why?
- PDiddyPuffDaddyCombsWhatEver - I just can't. His music sucks and his attitude is so.. so trashy newly-rich. I mean, I don't envy anyone making a lot of money. Even less, when they actually come out from no-where. But please, can't you celebrate that in style?
- 3. If your favorite singer wasn't in the music business, do you think you would still like him/her as a person?
- Those Linkin Park guys? Yeah, sure.
- 4. Have you been to any concerts? If yes, who put on the best show?
- Yeah. And the best show so far was.. hm.. seen from the point of the music, that would be Slipknot. Showwise, I'd say the Bloodhound Gang was most fun.
- 5. What are your thoughts on downloading free music online vs. purchasing albums? Do you feel the RIAA is right in its pursuit to stop people from dowloading free music?
- They sue 12-year olds. I mean, I do buy a lot of original CDs, most because I downloaded some songs before and liked them. But all this (the stuff they plan here in Germany, too) it just plainly sucks.
The entry just before was entered using the Mobile Weblogging function from blogg.de. I noticed, it actually did put the status on
publish, but didn't rebuild the pages. Deep.. ;-)
Is it true?
The coffee-counter rocks.. I kinda hope, it's going to be OpenSource soon.. ;-)
Okay, after hard work and with some support by me, evilMM created c-Counter® and I'm the official alpha, beta, whatever tester..
The newest entry of this weblog can be read using a WAP-enabled device at www.lostfocus.de/index.wml.
I want to write a funky coffee counter.. it's supposed to count my cups of coffee every day.
- Web interface
- WAP interface
- different outputs (simple number, 80x15-weblog button)
- csv-data output for spreadsheet-import
Huch, plötzlich löst blogg.de nach blogspot.de auf und spuckt einen 403 aus?
update: die armen Jungs scheinen Probleme mit Smarty zu haben..
noch ein update: ohje, jetzt ist ihnen wohl auch noch der Server abgeschmiert..
update: die armen Jungs scheinen Probleme mit Smarty zu haben..
noch ein update: ohje, jetzt ist ihnen wohl auch noch der Server abgeschmiert..
I consider getting a cellphone with a camera. No-one will be safe anymore. *Muahaha*
And yes, I'll put all pictures on this page, no matter what.
*More Muahaha*
At the MEX Blog I found a great tool for picking colors using a scheme.
Check out:
I hate mondays.
Now as the 256th entry:
Please, someone turn off the internet.
Please, someone turn off the internet.
Muss der Familiencomputer eigentlich in meinem Zimmer stehen? Habe ich Word programmiert und kann dessen Bugs per Fingerschnippen aus der Welt schaffen? Habe ich festgelegt, dass Need for Speed nicht auf dem Notebook meiner Schwester läuft? Fragen über Fragen..
I just found this article on Jump Cut. And I kind of feel somewhere in there I can find the reason, why I feel, that it is so much easier to write emails or weblog entries in English - even though until I was about 18, my English was worse than my handwriting, which is highly unlikely..
In fact, I think I know, why I write so many things in English and sometimes even use English phrases in German conversations, which is actually quite unnerving for both the other persons and me, who is actually quite proud of the fact, that my level of German is quite high. And I think, by now I am moving towards the point, where I understand the reason for my affinity to the English language - it enables me, unlike German, to talk to people all over the world, a fact, that actually got me into a lot of trouble..
In fact, I think I know, why I write so many things in English and sometimes even use English phrases in German conversations, which is actually quite unnerving for both the other persons and me, who is actually quite proud of the fact, that my level of German is quite high. And I think, by now I am moving towards the point, where I understand the reason for my affinity to the English language - it enables me, unlike German, to talk to people all over the world, a fact, that actually got me into a lot of trouble..
.. and I am feeling sleepy. And I'm thinking about my different stuff on the web. At the moment, I am blogging here on a German domain in english.. and I'm not too happy about that.. so I'm wondering, what I am going to about that..
I feel a lot of sympathy for Nerd Boy in Episode 432...
Oh great.. some sucker puts my domainname lostfocus.de as sender for spammail.
If you came here to complain about that: I didn't send any spam to you and sadly I don't know, how to stop anyone for putting my name there. And if you really want to complain to me - use the comment function and I'll answer by email.
If you came here to complain about that: I didn't send any spam to you and sadly I don't know, how to stop anyone for putting my name there. And if you really want to complain to me - use the comment function and I'll answer by email.

O Fortuna velut luna statu variabilis, semper crescis aut decrescis; vita detestabilis nunc obdurat et tunc curat ludo mentis aciem, egestatem, potestatem dissolvit ut glaciem

Please don't turn me in.. ;-)
Heute habe ich bondgirls.de neu gestartet - im Weblog-Format. Ich weiß, dass das ursprüngliche Format von bondgirls.de - eine reine Bildergalerie - wenig mit einem Weblog zu tun hat, aber ich dachte mir, ich wage das Experiment und werde ja sehen, was daraus wird. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn jemand, der das hier zufällig liest, dort vorbeischauen könnte und (konstruktive ;-)) Kritik übt.
So.. there is a street called

Now check my special secret satellite picture..

Now we can see the

The MI6 headquartes. Now isn't it fun, that the backway to the MI6 headquarters is called Bondway?
Bondwayin London.. look at the mysterious
Govt. Off.at the top of the map:

Now check my special secret satellite picture..

Now we can see the
Government Officea bit better.. and behold.. it looks like this building:

The MI6 headquartes. Now isn't it fun, that the backway to the MI6 headquarters is called Bondway?
Because it looks ugly.
In my statistics I found that actually some people found my page looking for
hot women archive. Even though, I actually do have a Hot Women Archive, I was wondering about it and looked for that with Google.. and actually, I found like thousands of porn pages and nothing about my weblog..
Hm, so 2014 a giant asteroid is going to hit the earth and kill all life. Hm.. why the hell do I keep working then? I could think of better ways to spend the next 11 years..
PS: I'm too lazy to look for the English news..
PS: I'm too lazy to look for the English news..
Sometimes I wonder about those people, who can actually write three to four full scale entries on every day. What kind of people are they? I know, on some days, I also put up here a LOT, but then, I usually dont have much else to do and just happen to stumble across those things. On other days, I'm really busy, just like the last couple of days, when there weren't so many relaxing times around, then I just don't get the time to put in some new things.
And once again, I now put an entry with a question here and I don't really have the nerve to think much about it now.. maybe tomorrow.. ;-)
And once again, I now put an entry with a question here and I don't really have the nerve to think much about it now.. maybe tomorrow.. ;-)