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Some people might wonder, (most probably not, though) why I am not so actively blogging in English anymore. To be true: I don't know. But I tried to find some reasons, and I think, I pretty much circled in on the problem. When I started my first weblog, powered by blogger.com in october 2002, I mainly did that, because I quite think, that if my charming friend Andrea has a weblog, then I should have one as well. So at this time, she was actually my main target group. Of course, this spreaded quite a bit, for a short while, it even became a group-weblog, where even dear, absolutely not weblog-interested girlfriend posted an entry. So, because of this target group, I kind of got into the English language blogging and was actually quite happy and content about that, especially since all the other weblogs, I regularly visited, were English as well. When I joined the company, that I'm working at now, some of the people there were the first to ask, why I am actually blogging in English, being German and all that. Well, in fact, I never could really explain. At this point, I was switching from blogger to MovableType, which proved to be quite some fun. But it just felt naturally to keep on blogging in English. In October 2003, roughly a year after I started blogging, my Movable Type started to have problems. Well, and since I have been reading German language weblogs a lot during that time and due to the fact, that I am more actively communicating with "real" people - which tends to happen in German - I feel more like putting in my thoughts or whatever in German. I will try to force myself to use the English language one more, otherwise, I might actually lose, what I consider to be quite sufficient English skills. Well, whatever, I'll go to the movies now to ogle Charlize Theron.

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on November 15, 2003 8:18 PM.

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