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I'm weblogging for quite some while now and even though English is not my first language, the first year I was posting all my entries in that language - to reach an international readership, that mainly consisted of my friends from ICQ. Since the moment I switched the weblogging tool from MT to wordpress, I also started to have two weblogs - one in German and one in English. I did that switch to two versions, because I had complains from people I know, why I am weblogging in English, since they were not willing to use their limited language skills on some idle chatter and non-sense on my weblog. And, as so many people keep telling me:
The bait must be good for the fish, not for the fisherman.
And since I want to be read, I decided to write entries in both German and English, an experiment, that worked quite well for.. uhm.. about a day or so. Didn't work at all, now that I come to think of it. So, for a while, I just neglected this English languaged weblog in favour of my German one. And in fact, I posted that whole story here before. Now, that Wendy is writing her weblog as well, both in English and in much higher quality of thoughts than mine, I feel like reconsidering my approach to bilingual weblogging and switch back to an English only weblog. I'd like to keep both languages going permanently, maybe even posting the same content twice on each weblog, but somehow I know, I have neither the discipline nor the patience for such an undertaking. Before I come to other great news, I just wonder, if there is any valid and nice sounding name for wife of my uncle resp. husband of my aunt? Anyway, Silke and Gunter decided to ask me to be godfather to one of their soon-to-be-born twin daughters, which sounds like quite a great thing to be. :-)

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on January 6, 2004 11:15 PM.

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