lostfocus.de welcomes it's visitors in their native language

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The lostfocus.de welcomes it's visitors in their native language-project.

I try to welcome each of my visitors in his native language here. Sadly I only know German and English, that's why I'd be very happy for every translation of the following text in any possible language:

Welcome to lostfocus.de, the weblog of Dominik Schwind.
This weblog is bilingual - German and English. The entries are complementing each other and it is not very likely, that the same post will be entered in both languages.

If you are able to translate that into any language, I'd be happy, if you can send that translation to my email at translation@lostfocus.de. Of course, I'll give credit to any friendly translator.

As of today, I have the following languages:

  • German (de-de)
  • English (en)
  • French (fr) [Translated by Xin Lan]
  • Japanese (ja) [Translated by Xin Lan]
  • Dutch (nl-be) [Translated by Karen]
  • Portuguese (pt) [Translated by Andrea]
  • Chinese (zh) [Translated by Xin Lan]

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on January 12, 2004 12:50 AM.

lostfocus.de begr��t seine Besucher in ihrer Landessprache was the previous entry in this blog.

Na danke, is the next entry in this blog.

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