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While setting-up my computer after a format all, I start to notice all those nice little helper applications, that I installed over the months and that I now have to reinstall. Most of them just sit happily in my tray, doing their job unnoticed and provide great enhancements in usabilty. Popfile - Automatic Email Classification One of them is POPFile, a bayesian email filter proxy, that doesn't take up a lot of system ressources. The installation is extremely fast and after training it for just two days, it already has an accuracy of more than 80%, which I know from experience will rise up to 98 to 99%. Their Real Time Statistics state, that the average accuracy for all POPFile installations, that have the reporting enabled, is about 97%.

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on March 25, 2004 10:02 AM.

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