Walking the dog

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I have to admit I like walking my parents' dog more than I'd ever going to tell them. They'd make me walk him more often and what's enough is enough. The only thing, I most thouroughly dislike about it, is meeting other walkers. They just demand too much. Stuff like me putting the dog on a leash. What's the point of talking a dog for a walk, when you have to put him on a leash? He'd not be able to run around, would be forced to trot along with my relaxed walking style. And that makes him be still energetic in the evening, run around nervously, which in return makes me nervous and that's not such a good thing. So, what I usually do with those middle-aged housewifes, pink-trousered joggers and retirees with their ugly little sausage dogs: I ignore them. Most of them take a walk on every day and should be used to have other dogs around. And it's not like Nelson, my parents' dog, is a big fierce awe-inspiring creature. Maybe I am wrong, but I keep on saying, that it's not that hard to judge dogs, even from some distance. And unlike the dog, my parents had before, Nelson really has nothing scary about him - except maybe for the fact, that he is all black and runs happily to everybody to say a quick hello. So, what's the point of this rather long and unstructured rambling? I just needed to let of some steam. And people: learn to know dogs. Evenings are so much nicer without small minded, ugly provincial yelling Put your dog on a leash!

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