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A - Age: 24 B - Band listening to right now: Slipknot C - Career future: Something that involves the net and advising people on how to use it. D - Dad's name: Thomas E - Easiest person to talk to: Totally depends on the subject. F - Favorite song: None. Or many. Depends on the point of view. G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears. H - Hometown: Lörrach. I - Instruments: I used to play piano. I royally sucked at that. J - Job: Junior Consultant. K - Kids: Not yet. L - Longest car ride ever: I guess it was Lörrach - Belgium - Lörrach, when I picked up our van. M - Mom's name: Heidrun. N - Number of people you slept with: Those, who need to know, know. O - Obsession(s): My girlfriend, the web, weblogs. P - Phobia(s): Ha, as if I'd tell you! Q - Quote: Men, who don't have problems with women, are usually gay. R - Reason to smile: People being nice. I'm quite easy to please.. :) S - Song you sang last: I sang along with the radio this morning, when taking a shower. I forgot. what song it was. T - Time you wake up: 6:30 U - Unknown fact about me: I know Kung-Fu, Karate and 36 other dangerous words. V - Vegetable you hate: Carrots. W - Worst habit: I hate people, who are not in time, even though I'm often late. X - X-rays you've had: Teeth. Y - Yummy food: Malaysian food, (it's amazing. Almost the best thing about the country.) Burger King Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio. [via Julien]

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 1, 2004 1:14 PM.

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