Let's face it: we got kicked out of the EuroCup for a very good reason. You can't blame the coach. You can't blame the players, being very young and not yet ready for those big tasks. They will be in 2006. But there is one group of actors, that is to blame for our drop out: the fans.
The pan shot of the fans during the game between Spain and Portugal: a feast to the eye. Pretty women galore.
The Swedish fan girls. Wow.
Even the British, usually not so well equiped with good looking ladies managed to find some hotties.
And the best we have is Peggy from Erfurt.
Notice something?
And to make matters worse, Germany's big tabloid ran this amazingly stupid title page today:
How on earth were we supposed to succeed? We clearly have to work on that until the WorldCup in two years.

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