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I found five sparkly new gmail-invites this morning. One of them went to a friend, the other four I decided to give to someone else. Since I didn't just want to throw them away, I decided to give them to students, who are studing abroad. So, if you're a student studying in another country than your own and want a gmail-account, then tell me in the comments, where you come from and what you study at which university. The first four persons will get invited. Don't forget to put your current working email into the email-field, otherwise I won't be able to send the invite to you. Don't be worried about spam, it won't show the email on the page later on. Update: Please write your first and last name, since Gmail needs both for the invitations. Update 2: There are more invitations to give out. Come and get it.

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 19, 2004 9:25 AM.

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