iTunes Europe

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The iTunes MusicStore Europe started yesterday and quite frankly, I am not impressed. It's good, that there is finally a legal way to download music over here in Europe, too, but without a credit card it's still closed. And not as many people have a credit card here as in the USA. Secondly, even though the prices are less than what some pundits calculated before, for my taste, it's still too expensive. I am not willing to pay 10€ for an album, which only consists of sound files. If I want to listen to that in my car or in my stereo and maybe even have a nice cover for it, I'd need to invest in a blank CD, coloured printer ink, paper and time. All of those are not too expensive, but added together, they reach between 11 and 12 Euro and for that kind of money, I rather go to the record store in town and get a CD there. The chances to find less mainstreamy music is much better there, anyway

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 16, 2004 8:31 AM.

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