The trouble with studying

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For someone, who loves to learn, studying can be a major drawback. Here I am, with my books again, there I am, on my desk, here I go, playing student again, there I go, turn the page. The big problem with institutionalised learning is the motivation. I am highly motivated to know everything about those subjects, that I avoid studying right now by writing this post. I want to know the difference between different groupware systems, I am interested in enterprise ressource planing and supply chain management. I really want to know, what data warehousing is and not only use that to sound intelligent. But am I motivated to learn that here in my room, from notes and rather - pardon my French - fucked up scripts? No. I really don't. I feel like I only study that right now for the exam tomorrow and not for the actual knowledge. And examination marks were never something to motivate me. After all, I know, that I am great, why do I need marks to prove that for me?

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 8, 2004 10:38 PM.

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