Words from Robert Hung, Porn Producer

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Severina Vuckovic Porn Sex Tape

Listen, guy, I know you want to jerk off to Severina Vuckovic. Me, being a hot porn producer myself - see the moustache - can well understand that. The girl has some serious talent going on and her movie sure is hot. Most professional tapes are boring compared to that. And wow, does she look good!

Just why on earth do you think, you can find the Severina Vuckovic Sex tape here on this innocent little weblog? Come on, you can't even find the Paris Hilton Sex Tape here and that's like so last winter and everybody has seen it anyway.

Did you know, that this guy is actually reading his server informations really carefully and can tell, when you're surfing for porn from an office computer? You sure didn't think about that, right? Or are you actually allowed to search for porn during work time? And then what? Watch it? Right there? In your office?

Anyway, I can't help you to the video right now. But maybe you might like to have a good look at some pierced nipples? Captain Cornelius found those and they sure should have more impact than some pretty standard sex tape.

I hope, I was able to help you, if not, you should ask the church.

Sincerely, Robert Hung, Porn Producer.

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on June 10, 2004 3:55 PM.

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