I have some problems sending out emails with Gmails lately. So a message to those of you, who expect an email from me, just wait until Sunday, when I'll be fully equipped again. Any inconvenience caused is regretted.
The management.
July 2004 Archives
Yesterday Wendy took me with her to one of her fashion shoots, even though she was a bit reluctant about it.
And what a jolly good time I had there. Seriously, I had a hard time not to laugh all the time - the studio was so according to any stereotype with all the white things, all the equipment and of course the hipster dance music blaring loudly all the time. Not to forget the posters of certain "important" events on the walls of the small dressing/makeup room.
The model, a young woman from Slovakia, was actually quite cute - surprisingly less in her looks than in her way to speak and act. Around her about eight to ten persons were prancing around, everybody with the air of importance and apart from the photographer, the makeup person and the stylist, without any hint of usefulness.
A real treat and oh so funny. Except for the poor model, who had parts of the jewellery taped to her skin and must have been in terrible agony, when they removed that.
I just notice, that Gmail, as nice as it is on faster connections, seems to have a lot of problems at slower ones, like the one I am using now. Must be a problem with all the dynamic HTML hoopla, that's going on.
Today I have some time on my own, since Wendy is meeting with some customer, so I went to the Yoshi Connection Internet Center and those nice folks there actually remembered me from one year back. That's quite amazing, they have such a high turn-over of customers on everyday, so I think's quite a task to remember someome from one year ago - and recognize him the moment he comes in. Wow.

Sex appeal is..
- all about the right wavelength.
- intelligent humour.
- the courage to be different.
- those tiny imperfections.
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'Why the long face?'
I just found at Cynx Cynical World that they actually make a second Resident Evil movie. I haven't watched the trailer yet, but they casted Milla again, so there is nothing much that can go wrong.
And if the soundtrack rocks as much as the first Resident Evil soundtrack, then I'm hooked again.

Today I bought what must have been the most expensive bottle of coke in my life ever. I had an appointment with my uncle after work and since I finished up my task a bit early I had some time to waste around. Since I was slightly sleepy I decided to get a bottle of coke at the nearby supermarket. And since that supermarket has a very convenient garage I decided to use that.
Driving a rather bulky Volkswagen Transporter I had to be really careful especially with the height of the car.
Well I got a parking space, I got my coke and I went back out to the car. On my way out I was driving really carefully again. Careful to the height. What I did not consider was the fact that this car is also a fucking long beast. So in the very last corner some pisshead installed some tiny pole which was not to see from my driving position. And since I misscalculated the length of the car and therefore the angle for the corner I smashed the whole length on that stupid pole.
Given the fact that it might be hugely expensive to repair the damage and the fact that I desperately need that money for another highly expensive part of my life I can well announce that I'm royally in deep shit. And all that for a bottle of coke.
So, anyone wants to buy some overpriced advertising space on this weblog?

At my previous job, my boss thought I was reading too many blogs... So I installed an rss reader in outlook and just read a lot of mail ;-)[via E-Business Weblog]
I'd like to be in Vienna right now. Or at some beach. Actually, I'd prefer the beach, but watching webloggers tell webloggers about weblogging sounds interesting, too.

I have to admit, I'm always filled with a weird kind of happyness and pride to find my weblog on a total stranger's blogroll. Today that happened again.
So I send a big "Hello" to Sai, the one who blogrolled me. Thanks.
[via $PLOG->read();]This holiday weekend, when you (computer person) visit your cousin/dad/aunt/grandma, give them a gift:
- install anti-spyware software and configure it to run automatically on startup. I use SpyBot Search and Destroy.
- enable their existing Windows Xp firewall, just turn it on
- give them anti-Virus software (or install the free version of AVG)
- run diskcleanup and defrag
- lower the size of the IE cache
- turn the security in IE up (for ActiveX controls) or install FireFox.

I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.
Isn't it just great to come home at 3:30 at night with the knowledge, that in about four hours the office is waiting with a lot of tasks? How about the fact that it is unacceptable to fall asleep while being at a customer's site?
Ah , what the heck, it was way worth it.
Another point against open-plan offices: Mental State Called Flow. [Via E-Businessweblog.]
Working is such a working-class behaviour.