Aachen and Amsterdam

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Perspective?, originally uploaded by dominikschwind.

I spend my last weekend up north. First I was visiting my friend Giacomo, who was kind enough to take me in after we found that Aachen doesn't have any proper bridge to sleep under. After a big family party for my aunt's birthday I went to Amsterdam on sunday with my youngest sister and our parents.
Amsterdam is pretty much what I thought it would be, just even more so. The houses are picturesque, (as you can see on the photo) the Magic Mushroom stores are colourful and yes, the women in the windows are plentyful.
I didn't quite get to check out the finer details of the town, given the fact that I only had one day and was there with my family, but it sure makes me know that I want to go there again.

And on the way back I bought a lot of Belgian beer.

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