IM Spam

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Just now I got IM-spammed. Not just a normal spam message, no someone actually tried to chat me up to sell me some porn page. Clever bot or a student making easy money? crhiticalsystemheir: hi... anyone there? chondrodite: yes.. crhiticalsystemheir: oh your there hi... chondrodite: how did you find me? crhiticalsystemheir: was just browsing the yahoo profile thing. looked like you might be an interesting persoon to chat with. crhiticalsystemheir: a//l (age sex location)? crhiticalsystemheir: im 27/f/USA. was lookin at your profile. thoight you might like to chat. chondrodite: I'm 23/male/SW-germany.. and now convince me, that you're an interesting person to chat with.. crhiticalsystemheir: so what have you been up to chondroddite? crhiticalsystemheir: cool. i was just hangin out watching tv. i was gtting kinda horny (*blushes) crhiticalsystemheir: feel like a little cyber fun with me ?? please please... chondrodite: oh, were you.. and you didn't find anything better to do than go online? chondrodite: actually. no. chondrodite: especially not, when I'm at the office. crhiticalsystemheir: i thonk ill just take that as a yes... being as that im starting to get real horny here.. lol ok? chondrodite: ehm, no? crhiticalsystemheir: oh well your loss. why dont you open up my profile and see what you missed out on. theres a link there to my homepage where i have some real nice pics to leave with. chondrodite: a-ha!

1 Comment

same profile jsut spammed me with a lot of the same lines, either a bot or a script the person just cuts and pastes... thanks for posting this

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