Insomnia zombie

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Today I am officially an insomnia zombie. Not that I actually have insomnia, I can actually sleep very well when I'm in my bed. But the last couple of nights I was almost everywhere except my bed. I was having late night pasta in the Swiss alps on Friday night. I was repairing a boat on Saturday night. I was having an after-rafting-beer on Sunday night. I was having a slightly chaotic night of beer and mojito last night. On a Monday, who'd believe that? To cut the long babbling short, I didn't get a lot of sleep and right now I am paying for it. My brain has about the reaction speed of a tectonic plate and the memory space of an old casio watch. Not like I have any hang over or anything, I just turn slowly into a zombie, including the slouchy way of moving.

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on August 10, 2004 11:04 AM.

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