September 2004 Archives


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Anyone of you out there is for sure using Linux. I'd need some informations on what is the best IM-software, if there is any easy to use (x)html/css-editor with syntax highlighting (something like TopStyle Pro) and a graphic software that is not GIMP.

Transportation Futuristics

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Parkplatzsituation an der BA Lörrach

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Im Laufe des Tages hat mich diese E-Mail der BA Lörrach erreicht und mich so erfreut, dass ich seit langem mal wieder etwas auf deutsch hier schreiben muss.
Nach Auskunft der Hausverwaltung Ineichen (Brombacher Str. 3) werden die Stellplätze der BA auf dem MMZ-Gelände am kommenden Freitag, 01.10.2004, gesperrt. Ab Montag, 04.10., werden die Gebäude auf dem Gelände abgerissen. Für voraussichtlich 4 Wochen stehen die Stellplätze leider nicht zur Verfügung. Im Anschluss daran soll das Parkieren dort jedoch wieder im bisherigen Umfang möglich sein. Die Mitarbeiter-Parkplätze im Hof sind durch den Abriss nicht betroffen und werden weiterhin kontrolliert! Wir weisen darauf hin, dass das Land Baden-Württemberg nicht verpflichtet ist, kostenfreie Parkplätze zur Verfügung zu stellen und hoffen für die entstehenden Unannehmlichkeiten auf Ihr Verständnis. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Berufsakademie Loerrach Zentrale Verwaltung
Nur damit ich es richtig verstehe - die viel zu wenigen Parkplätze, die den Studenten gegönnt werden, sind jetzt erstmal für vier Wochen gesperrt?

Ad Infinitum

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Ear Wax Candy

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I have to admit I am someone who sometimes need things explained in easy metaphors. Nick Bradbury just used one and for the first time I get why I might have to get an Apple sooner or later:
After working with OS-X for a few hours, switching back to Windows is like partying with Charlize Theron then coming home to Kathy Bates.

Collision of Galaxies

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If you think Earth is a mess, consider the turmoil in the constellation Hydra, where astronomers have spotted two monster galactic clusters slamming together in one of the biggest collisions ever recorded.
Yahoo! News - Astronomers Spot Monster Collision of Galaxies [via Watermark]

Three Strikes

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Dear comment spammers thanks very much for keeping me entertained deleting all your messages from the moderation queue. Luckily none showed up on my weblog due to the superb comment spam handling of Wordpress. But after I deleted about 140 spam messages I decided to put up higher defenses. Not that it took long to delete the messages - it was only around 10 clicks for 140 messages - but it was annoying enough. So now I am using the "Three Strikes" Spam Prevention Plugin by Mark Ghosh. I don't know yet, how well it works since the attacks subsided over the last couple of hours, but I am sure the next attack is right around the corner.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse Soundtrack

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The soundtrack to the new Resident Evil movie rocks. It's as simple as that. And the friendly people at Roadrunner Records made the whole soundtrack available for listening on this webpage. (Beware: Flash and Pop-Ups)

The brothel creeper

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The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.
The brothel creeper [via MeFi]

Posting and you

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The Nipples Of Milla Jovovich

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During the commentary on the first Resident Evil (2002) movie, Milla Jovovich refers to her nipple appearing on screen, saying that this proves her dedication to the film. The director says that had she been really committed, she would have shown both nipples. In this sequel, she does show both nipples, towards the end while she's in the tank.
Gotta love the IMDb Trivia section

Pearls Before Swine

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Poor piggy: Pearls Before Swine

Mentor? Me?

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So all of a sudden I am a mentor. Follow the link, it is full of Kristin Kreuk and Erica Durance goodness.
The RAND Corporation, that was already mentioned in the article about the fake home computer, has issued a digital leaflet What You Should Do to Prepare for and Respond to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks. It is available for Palm Pilots. [via Fundsachen]

Gisele B�ndchen

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Gisele Bündchen


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My zombifications process is moving along as planned.

City Creator

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Beer and Sex

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The Centre's spokeswoman said, "The message they're giving is that somehow beer makes women sexually available." Well she's right. Beer makes everyone sexually available. If you've ever had a beer or two too much, you know this.


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Now this is useful: Swearsaurus. [via ???]

Das Badnerlied

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Das schönste Land in Deutschlands Gau'n, das ist mein Badnerland! Es ist so herrlich anzuschau'n und ruht in Gottes Hand! Drum grüß ich dich, mein Badnerland! Du edle Perl' im deutschen Land! Frisch auf mein Badnerland!

Respek! - How does Ali G keep conning famous guests? By Sam Schechner

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Nicht vergessen

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Home Computer

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That's just too funny: HomeComputer.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x600 pixels) Update: As Sarpy Sam points out, this is the control panels for a 1960’s nuclear power plant aboard a US submarine. It's still good for a chuckle, thought.


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Another legendary entry from my vast archives: the orangepiggies. Orangenschweinchen

Seraphim Proudleduck

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Romani ite domum!

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Web Style Guide, 2nd Edition

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The NSA Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg was one of the premier listening posts of the cold war. Situated on top of the highest elevation in West Berlin - the Teufelsberg, the station had unobstructed reception of signals from all directions. And viewed from West Berlin, in all directions was "East". Situated on an artifical hill near a string of lakes, the Teufelsberg enjoyed excellent reception in most radio bands that were otherwise difficult to receive at long distances. The NSA got so far in their search for better receiption, that they prolonged the operation of a flywheel that was accidentially found to be a excellent resonator for certain radar installations deep in the east.
NSA Field Station Teufelsberg - a late post mortem [via instant thinking]

Sex mit M�nnern: So geht's!

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Miss America 2004

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Miss New Jersey 2004 - Erica Scanlon Yeah, the pope! Obviously the Miss America contests were on this week and I just had a good laugh at this quote:
[..] the contest showcases the talents and aspirations of today's young women who want to make the world a better place and brighten it with their good looks.
(more at Yahoo News)

German folk song lyrics

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Some people might wonder why I am posting the lyrics to German children's and folk songs. The reason is quite simple: I noticed a couple of days ago that I forgot almost all of them and I wanted to be able to sing them. So now I look for one of the lyrics on every odd day and post the lyrics here as I find them. Maybe someone else might find it useful as well.

Yahoo! News - "Belle de Jour" ends web diary

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Im Fr�htau zu Berge

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Im Frühtau zu Berge wir zieh´n, fallera, grün schimmern, wie Smaragde alle Höhn, fallera! Wir wandern ohne Sorgen, singend in den Morgen noch eh im Tale die Hähne krähn.

Floatutorial: Step by step CSS float tutorial

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Rice Bag

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Rice Bag What is it with the German blogs and their obsession with Chinese rice bags? [Image via IT&W and Megawatt.] - blabla

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wordpress default template - nuclear moose candy

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A word or two about default templates: wordpress default template - nuclear moose candy

Der Kuckuck und der Esel

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Der Kuckuck und der Esel, die hatten einen Streit, wer wohl am besten sänge, wer wohl am besten sänge, zur schönen Maienzeit, zur schönen Maienzeit.

University of Cooperative Education L�rrach and the parking space

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Oh the irony: We get semester parking tickets - but almost no parking space.


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A good way for e-mails to be ignored by me is having the words VERY and URGENT in the subject line. This applies both to spam and legit, maybe even really urgent mail.

Canada Prime Minister scolded by aunt

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Now THAT is important news: Canada Prime Minister scolded by aunt


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Now this one is too good to be hidden away in the quicklinks: an open directory with the Playboy Centerfolds from 1955 to 2002. And I don't know if I should be happy or worried that my girlfriend also enjoys looking at them. [via Fleshbot] Update: They closed down the directory. Damn.


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It's raining so heavy right now that I can't even see the hills on the other side of this small valley here. Quite amazing. I hope my car is clean enough after this. :)

Puff The Magic Dragon

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Puff The Magic Dragon [3,2 MB, MP3, via SWR]


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My internet is so slow today. Someone should do something. Or can someone reccomend a dsl-router where I can allocate bandwidth quotas?

Quote of the day

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I wrote a to do list today - now I can procrastinate more efficiently.

Shell Drive by Heiko Hebig |

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Microsoft Business Solutions roadmap; the road gets longer

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Charlize Theron

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Charlize Theron

Laugh @ Rice - Select Gallery

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Laugh @ Rice - Select Gallery [again from EvilMM]

Color Palette Generator

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Human Beans: PowerPizza

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Human Beans: PowerPizza [from EvilMM via IM]

MSNBC - Smelly robot eats flies to generate its own power

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jogging + salads = pussy

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Office Bike

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Office Bike is the official word for someone everybody in the office had a ride on before. And it's quite a funny ad. [via AdRants]

How to give and receive criticism - UIWEB.COM

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How to write Firefox extensions

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Big Bookmark Clean-Out

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Today was the first time I actually got lost in my bookmarks. Therefore:

The Big Bookmark Clean-Out

Geolocation IP Address to Country State City ISP Organization by MaxMind
This is the service that powers the little flag in the top right and at the comments.
Tiny But Strong Template Engine
Small PHP Template Engine. I know I'll use that one day.
Streamline: How Blogs Work in 7 Easy Pieces
A good source if you need to explain Blogs to someone.
She's cool and an amazing photographer.
Volcano Cameras - New Zealand
Check out Barney!
Whatever happened to MC HAMMER?
This is hilarious.
Uncle Bear : Fonts
Fonts. Good ones.
Comic Rotate
This is funny. Don't drink while looking at it.
A mark-up language to create text adventures.
Using the Windows XP Publishing Wizard with PHP., stock.xchng
Stock Photography

Swiss Mountains

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AnzereSommer2004 097, originally uploaded by dominikschwind.

An impression from my offline weekend. Very relaxing, very sun-shiny mountain days. More of that on my Flickr account.

Women's Beach Volleyball

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My second favourite sport at this years olympic games: Women's Beach Volleyball. Thanks, Fleshbot.

FakeToday - TV's Friends Reunite

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Winona Ryder

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Winona Ryder


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5pm and almost everybody goes offline. I'm cracking up here about that.. :)

A Girl's Guide to Geek Guys

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IM Madness

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...: IM Madness

Feedburner, revisited.

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After I messed up my normal weblog feed by incorporating Flickr and, I had the request for the clean weblog-only version. Here it is: Enjoy. :)

Kuala Lumpur Traffic

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Even though I did not see something like this, when I was in Kuala Lumpur, I did notice all the signs of the city on those pictures of a Toyota Corolla. So.. typical.. :) [via IT&W]

Only one hour.

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Only one hour. That's the time I need to go from feeling sooooo relaxed to I need holidays. Did I mention I don't like mondays?

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My weekend is going to start soon and I decided to make it an offline weekend. Should be good.

Yahoo! News - German caught having sex with doll

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pr�fungsfrage.jpg (JPEG Image, 531x573 pixels)

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Computerworld | Longhorn cuts delay Microsoft Business Framework

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BILDblog - Hauptsache Porno

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Swiss-Strips: Tan Lines

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Highscore.jpg (JPEG Image, 416x381 pixels)

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Bart blogs.

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I felt nervous like hell the last hour. Heart beating, shaking. I didn't know why. It's scary as hell. Now I realize I had four strong coffees this morning..

Empty Plazes

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Empty Plazes What are you guys doing? Taking breakfast?
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About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from September 2004 listed from newest to oldest.

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October 2004 is the next archive.

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