Big Bookmark Clean-Out

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Today was the first time I actually got lost in my bookmarks. Therefore:

The Big Bookmark Clean-Out

Geolocation IP Address to Country State City ISP Organization by MaxMind
This is the service that powers the little flag in the top right and at the comments.
Tiny But Strong Template Engine
Small PHP Template Engine. I know I'll use that one day.
Streamline: How Blogs Work in 7 Easy Pieces
A good source if you need to explain Blogs to someone.
She's cool and an amazing photographer.
Volcano Cameras - New Zealand
Check out Barney!
Whatever happened to MC HAMMER?
This is hilarious.
Uncle Bear : Fonts
Fonts. Good ones.
Comic Rotate
This is funny. Don't drink while looking at it.
A mark-up language to create text adventures.
Using the Windows XP Publishing Wizard with PHP., stock.xchng
Stock Photography

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on September 8, 2004 11:40 AM.

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