More WoW

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What happened in the World of Warcraft for me so far? I met a couple of fellow orcs and went monster slaying with them. I found parts of the world, that are obviously too dangerous for me, yet. Especially a group of islands populated by tigers and creatures that seem to be raptors. That's quite bad since I got a quest to find something on those islands. Until now the whole game seems to be driven by a lot of newbie players hunting down smaller quests, forming loose alliances to help each other against the beasts of the wilderness. Obviously it has to be newbie players since the beta test is only in action since last week. The gameplay is a fun in a hack'n'slay roleplay kind of way, it is not too hard to move the hero around and make him kill stuff. Interaction with other players is a breeze as well. Sadly my notebook is not able to show the full details of the game in a high framerate - but with a more decent graphic card the World of Warcraft is quite beautiful - more so than in any other online RPG I have seen so far. Bob Hunter in front of an orcish fort

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on October 5, 2004 11:53 AM.

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