Sometimes I can't help but despair at what the
University of Cooperative Education puts in front of us. The number one thing I learn from certain lessons is to fine tune my alarm clocks.
90 % of the part-time lecturers are professionals from cooperating companies.
- I should have wondered about that before.
On one hand there are some lecturers where I can tell they are good at what they do and how to teach that. On the other hand - and here comes the sad part - most are not like that. And why would that be?
What kind of professional would go so far and teach here? Either they are sent by a company that trains students here or they are freelance consultants.
And what kind of employee would a company send? Either the company is quite idealistic about training and they send good ones - unlikely, but it happens and those are the good lessons. Or they send those that are not at their full capacities. Those, who are not good enough to be in important projects and are even not good enough to weasel themselves out of those tasks. Those are the least motivated ones.
And then there are my favourites: freelance consultants. What are the incentives for a freelance consultant to do that? The money? I know how much lecturers here get paid and no respectable and successful consultant would work for this kind of money. Yes, there are the idealistic ones - and they are usually good at transporting the enthusiasm for the whole thing and that can never be wrong.
And then there are those, who are just plain incompetent. Not that this is an unusual or bad thing in a consultant - but those who are even incompetent at hiding their incompetence, are bad. The lowest caste of consulting.
I don't want to make the impression that the standard of lecturing here is low. Most classes are quite alright, actually.
But this morning I have to suffer through a lesson by a former restructuring specialist for used car sales companies in structurally backward regions. He makes jokes that are insulting, he has a voice that sounds like he is continually having problems with his defecations and I was told by those who have more clue about the subject matter than I do, that he teaches obviously wrong things.
Well, I let off enough steam for now. The next time, I'll post something more positive. :)
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