It is quite a day on World of Warcraft today - not only is the server going up and down like a cheap whore but I also decided to let Bob Hunter, the Orc Warrior rest for a while in favour of my more or less freshly created Dark Elf hunter called Donatu.
The Dark Elves are living on a huge tree north west of Azeroth, a world of lush greenery and a lot of spiders and other not so nice creatures. It is indeed possible to climb on one of the outer branches of the tree, but jumping down will result in a long fall and a fast death.
Yes, I actually did try that.
Someone Donatu seems to gain experience faster than Bob Hunter, so today I got the chance to tame a beast and have it as pet. So now I have this big owl, inappropriately called Tweety, as a pet.
Once again I want to apologize for the bad quality of the screenshots - I will try to get better ones in a while.

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