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Eigentlich wollte ich ja nichts zur Zusammenarbeit von SixApart und LiveJournal schreiben, da es mich auch eigentlich nicht so wahnsinnig interessiert, aber dieses Zitat von Brad, dem LiveJournal-Menschen, hat mir doch sehr gut gefallen:
What does this mean for the future business plans of LiveJournal? We feel that there's a lot of synergy between our two companies and we both benefit from this relationship by bringing a lot of value-add to the table. By focusing on our core competencies we can continue to provide robust, turn-key, industry-leading solutions while also lowering Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) to our valued clients. (P.S. The above is all gibberish. Any time I hear any of those words I completely fall asleep and attempt to eat off my own ears. Six Apart did not say any of those words to me.)
Zum Vergleich dazu bei SixApart:
With the acquisition, Six Apart solidifies its position as the industry's recognized leader in weblogging software across all markets, and LiveJournal can continue its rapid growth trajectory under Six Apart's umbrella. As of today, the combined user base of both companies exceeds 6.5 million users, with thousands more added daily.
Schon sehr interessant, wie unterschiedliche Zielgruppen mit Neuigkeiten versorgt werden. [via Blogosfear]

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on January 6, 2005 11:34 AM.

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