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Über die Leser von TechCrunch:
That's no surprise, considering how affluent and techie his readers are. Thirty-six percent say they spend more than 40 hours a week viewing online content, and even better, they check out TechCrunch multiple times each day. More than a third earn salaries topping $100,000, with 12 percent making more than $250,000. It's a coveted group for some advertisers.
Also.. sollte mir jemand ein Jahresgehalt von 100.000 bis 250.000 Dollar dafür bieten, würde ich mich vielleicht auch dazu hinreißen lassen, mehrmals am Tag TechCrunch zu lesen. Und 40 Stunden Onlinecontent anschauen, das schaffe ich sogar an einem Tag. [via Loic Le Meur]

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on August 23, 2006 7:08 AM.

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