Monkey #2 von
David Wilmot)
Auch Affen könnten Terroristen sein. Deswegen gibt es auch
Regeln, wie mit Affen umgegangen werden muss, die mit in einen Flug sollen:
- When a monkey is being transported in a carrier, the monkey must be removed from the carrier by the handler prior to screening,
- The monkey must be controlled by the handler throughout the screening process.
- The monkey handler should carry the monkey through the WTMD while the monkey remains on a leash.
- When the handler and monkey go through the WTMD and the WTMD alarms, both the handler and the monkey must undergo additional screening.
- Since monkeys may likely draw attention, the handler will be escorted to the physical inspection area where a table is available for the monkey to sit on. Only the handler will touch or interact with the monkey.
- TSOs have been trained to not touch the monkey during the screening process.
- TSOs will conduct a visual inspection on the monkey and will coach the handler on how to hold the monkey during the visual inspection.
- The inspection process may require that the handler take off the monkey’s diaper as part of the visual inspection.
Grumpy Gamer]
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