Bilder des Tages

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  • Gotham City
  • De/Construction
  • Magnus
  • Old and new
  • Reflections
  • Photographer stance
  • Football fans
  • Football fans
  • Football fans
  • Football fans
  • Explosive
  • Parti Sosialis Malaysia
  • A flock of bird
  • Photo-WALK
  • Urban jungle?
  • Small stream
  • The gang
  • Poser! (Uh, what's with the stick?)
  • Brickfield houses
  • Who's the victim?
  • The posing begins
  • Klick and tell
  • What's going on here?
  • Dewan Asoka
  • Incense
  • Incense
  • Fairview villa
  • Teacher's stare
  • Can we get going?
  • Training, training, training
  • :P
  • Creative meeting
  • I'll teach you how to dance
  • Flower pots
  • Warming up
  • Out of focus
  • Tok-tok-tok-tok
  • Lesson today: concentrate even with over 20 crazy photographers around you
  • Strictly Staff Parking Only
  • A hole in the ground
  • Discussing the next steps?
  • Stayin' alive
  • Okay girls, enough is enough
  • KLickerettes shooting the guys
  • KLickerettes shooting the guys - plus passing by Indian uncle
  • KLickerettes shooting the guys
  • Risin' high
  • Pestering the cooks
  • What an expression there, Liyin.. :P
  • In front of the meeting point
  • Different makes, different ages
  • Flickr Breakfast
  • Roti canai

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on July 17, 2007 3:34 AM.

Bilder des Tages was the previous entry in this blog.

Die traurige Geschichte des Tiara Langkawi Resort is the next entry in this blog.

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