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  • putting the bags in the car and off we go! #
  • actually enjoying "Blackout" by Britney Spears. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! #
  • @frischerlook: Fly, robin, fly! #
  • @frischerlook: with hookers and blow? #
  • @poolie: Ich bin so froh, daß es nicht nur mir so geht. #
  • walking to + now. #
  • listening to my office mates talking about weddings. #
  • quite aware that my weird code is going to hurt me next year. #
  • @kniebes: Traurigerweise eher mit Skype. :( #
  • hoping that Cloverfield is not going to suck. #
  • looking very much forward to two weeks away from teh internets. #

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on December 20, 2007 11:59 PM.

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