A place for human beings in a future media landscape that is increasingly automated

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It's precisely because Yahoo sits at the intersection of media and technology that it attracts such attention. Google and Microsoft seem content to wage a technological war based on who has the smartest programmers, the best algorithm, the most servers. Yahoo, meanwhile, sees a place for human beings in a future media landscape that is increasingly automated. That's why the emotion that Yahoo attracts isn't anger, but sadness; not rage, but disappointment. Yahoo could be so much better than it is, if only it weren't saddled with visionless leaders, subpar management, and a do-nothing board. Ah, the irony: The best hope of humanity keeps getting tripped up by its people.
Valleywag, nur sehr dezent snarky und auf jeden Fall wahr.

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This page contains a single entry by Dominik Schwind published on December 11, 2008 10:39 AM.

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