August 2003 Archives

Dumb joke..

At hospital looking through the glass at the newly arrived babies:
Kitchy kitchy koo. Look, she smiled. Isn't she adorable?

But your kid didn't smile.

I was talking about the nurse.

Christliche Suchmaschine

Es gibt da so eine neue christliche Suchmaschine. Sehr interessant finde ich da die Top 50 der Suchbegriffe..


Beim H-Blog habe ich gerade Eve von Yello Strom kennengelernt..

Chinese Menu

Chinese Menu
Once again courtesy of evilmm.



I'm with you..

by Avril Lavigne

I'm Standing on a bridge
I'm waitin in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
Theres nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but theres no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't someone please take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you

Im looking for a place
Searching for a face
Is there anybody here i know
Cause nothings going right
And everythigns a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't someone please take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...


Well, let's see if that's going to hurt his campaign..

MM, Comments, IE and other terror..

  1. That link before - I got it from Markus Mählmann
  2. He also pointed out, that there is some problem on the comments with the JavaScript and CSS under IE.. well.. I'll just kill the JavaScript tonight and see, what I can do about the CSS.. maybe just redirect all IE-users to

German men..

It's kind of interesting to see, how American girls see us German guys..

Tie your own package

'nuff said..

The dream of every programmer..


Und wenn man denkt, es geht nicht mehr..

..kommt von irgendwo ein Hilfeformular her..

Busy, busy..

There are actually days with so much work, that I can't think of something more interesting to post here.. ;-)

BMW 540i touring

BMW 540 touring

Giacomo Brings

The guy behind this button:
Giacomo Brings
is Giacomo Brings, a friend of mine, who I met during army days. Even though he left after just some short while, we still keep contact and that's a fact, that I'm quite happy about.
By the way: he is the guy with the baby hamsters.


I just found a great web radio at Tune in and listen to the bad music, I wished for.. ;-)

A walk in the park

(by the Nick Straker Band)

A walk in the park
I've got to get some sense back into my head
I'm in the dark and I can't see where I am being led
I'd give the world to set the clock back and act like a man
Where can I turn to save myself from this confusion

A walk in the park, a step in the dark
A walk in the park, a trip in the dark
I'm getting away escaping today

A walk in the park
Away from all the busy streets of my mind
I seek a straighter path
I seek a shady glade in which to unwind
But why do we go on in spite of mistakes, in spite of destruction
Life can be fun depending on your situation.

A walk in the park, a step in the dark
A walk in the park, a trip in the dark
I'm getting away escaping today

A walk in the park, a step in the dark
A walk in the park, a trip in the dark
I'm getting away escaping today

Templates.. Part Deux

Uh, now that's kinda cool.. MT doesn't rebuild all the daily archives with every new post. That would be weird, anyway.. so.. the recent entry list, that shows up on the sidepanel at the moment doesn't actually reflect the moment now, but rather the moment of the last rebuild.


.. are fun.

ToDo on this weblog..

What I have to do on this weblog:

  • Fit archive templates into index-page look and feel.
  • Create Skip Navigation link
  • Use link-navigation
  • Provide alternate style sheet (maybe)


I don't have the Helvetica font on my system..

Petronas Towers as Ascii-Art

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In one of the usenet groups I usually lurk, there is a japanese lady called Kirara posting, who has a great sense of humour. When I was in Malaysia in july, I found this store and I just had to take a picture:
Kirara Creations


Ich wurde in letzter Zeit wiederholt gefragt, warum ich diese Seite in erster Linie mit englischen Inhalten bedenke, obwohl doch die Domain eindeutig .de heißt und nicht etwa .com/.net/.org. Desweiteren habe ich natürlich auch meine Überlegungen für was und wen ich dieses Weblog überhaupt betreibe.
Da ich nunmal .de bin, werde ich auch beim Beta-Test des Weblogdirectory von geführt, der unter zu finden ist. Und sollte ich von dort Besucher wünschen, würde ich vermutlich in erster Linie auf deutsch schreiben müssen, da dies dort die vorherrschende Sprache ist. Tatsache ist, daß die Hauptkundschaft meines Blogs aus den Menschen besteht, die ich auch über die diversen Instant Messaging-Dienste kenne und damit aus allen Ecken und Enden dieser Welt kommen. Und bei all diesen Leuten kann ich zwar davon ausgehen, daß sie englisch können und auch gewillt sind, es zu lesen, deutsche Texte aber nicht verstehen können.
Interessanterweise ist es bei einigen Leuten, die ich hier in Deutschland kenne, eher umgekehrt - eine gewisse Unlust, sich englische Texte durchzulesen kann ich durchaus feststellen, sogar bei Menschen, die des englischen durchaus mächtig sind, bzw. sein sollten.
Aber da ich ehrlich gesagt, trotz .de-Domain, nicht auf mein internationales Publikum verzichten will, werde ich hier nach wie vor den Großteil meiner Einträge hier auf Englisch tätigen.
Ich weiß, daß das nun viele Worte dafür waren, um zu sagen: es bleibt, wie es ist, aber da ich mehrmals darauf angesprochen wurde, dachte ich, ich müßte meine Gründe, hier hauptsächlich englisch zu posten(!), erklären.

Designing with Web Standards

Zeldman: Designing with Web Standards
This button leads to the site to simply the best book about webdesign available: Designing with Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman.

Fight the alien invasion! (II)

And by coincidence I just found a link at to a screenshot of the aforementioned site at the fscklog.

Fight the alien invasion!

Someone commented on my entry about a webpage with drawings about aliens, made by children.. and lo, behold, it is the author of the page himself: Mister Michael Menkin:
He is the mastermind behind the thought screen helmet, a helmet, made to stop aliens control our minds. It can be seen at his creator's head on the picture above.
It seems to work quite well, as some testimonials on the page show:

  • Still nothing new to report it must work!
  • It's hard to tell if it works or not. I think it works.
  • The aliens clearly do not like the helmet.

As long as humankind produces minds like Mister Menkin's mind and technology like his helmet, I am sure, we can win the Telepathic War against the alien intruders!

RSS Feed (II)

After my fruitless tries with the RSSFeed plugin for Movable Type, I now fell back to what I know - PHP. So now I have the RSS feed from Mählmann and Zeldman in my left bar. How terribly exciting.. *yawn*

Pingpong Reloaded

As I found on the M-E-X-Blog, they play pingpong in Matrix style in japan.. (video here)


Nook, again..

The button for tonight is a link to my cute friend Nook from Taiwan. In fact, I started talking to her twin sister Diane one day during computer class at uni in ICQ, since I was pretty bored.. and after a while, she introduced me to Nook, and since we're having pretty much the same interests, we developed quite a friendship. Anyway, if you happen to understand Chinese, don't miss her page:
Nook Lee

RSS Feed

I try to put in the RSS Feed-plugin for MT here, but somehow, it doesn't work.. damn..

Post 200

Since this is the 200th post, I decided to put something for the guys. It's not showing here, since it's not quite for young people.. but well.. here it is: a picture of a hot chick with a nice pussy.


Atomkraft mal einfach erklärt bei den Kernkraft Kids..


Man of the year

Andréa and a hot guy

Okay, today in our edition of Buttons and Links:
Andrea Zaninelli
Andréa's weblog, which she doesn't quite update so often - and usually, if she does, I don't get it anyway, since she's blogging in Brasil Portuguese.. I've known her like for ages now, actually ever since Napster was around and we keep talking about almost everything every night..
She also added some entries in my former 4friends weblog, which ceased to exist after a while and can be found scattered around the archives of this blog.

Now for the hot guy part of the title - I actually put up my picture at I know, it's damn silly and if one of my friends would do so, I wouldn't stop teasing him about it, but hey.. it's fun.. ;-) So.. go here and rate me..

Safe the planet..

Here you can safe a planet.. take some time, since it's not so easy..

Nice car..

I just found this:
Irgendwas ist ja immer: So Werbung wird ja gar nicht mehr gemacht
(Don't worry, dear English speaking audience, it's mostly in English.. )


Genki Sushi!

Beta-Design for

Starting tonight, I have some test going on with a new design. It's far from done, there are not all entries and it's stripped down all the good stuff. (like pictures, links etc..) Maybe you still want to have a look at it here.

Aliens and Children

I just found a page with drawings of aliens by children.. it's weird, but worth a visit..

Spekulativer Journalismus..

Grad eben kam eine sehr nette Meldung über den heise-Newsticker... Jungs, Jungs, ist es bei euch zu heiss? ;-)

Dance the warm-up..

Dance the warm-up...

Hildebrand Group

This button here:
Hildebrand Group Obereichsel
leads to the blog of my uncle's family.


I just removed the iMood indicator from the side-panel.. somehow the server was down lately and I didn't change it anyway, I was being sleepy all the time. Well, I am.

I want that job..

This one sounds like a great job ad..


Just today the new CD of Alizee - called Mes Courants Electriques... - arrived here and just like with the first album, I really like this one. Not that I understand much, but her voice is.. hm.. sultry.. and well, she's kinda cute, isn't she?

The Answer..

Google knows it's stuff.. ask it about the answer to life, the universe and everything and you'll get the answer..
Thanks to H-Blog for that.


Gerade bei gefunden: Frauen kommt es im Web auf Usability an, was übersetzt bedeutet, daß sie zu komplizierte Seiten wohl nicht verstehen....

Junior Consultant

Button 3:
Junior Consultant
This button links to my Junior Consultant page. The letters STZ on the button show, that I'm working at STZ IT Business Consulting. Actually I just wanted the domain for the cool domain name, so there isn't so much content there..

Bill Gates und Apple

Bei habe ich gerade gefunden, daß Bill Gates mal Werbung für Apple gemacht hat..

Freies Baden

Wer bei der Überschrift an Wasser denkt, liegt ein kleines bißchen falsch.. schaut hier..

Digital Imaging..

That's what digital imaging can do..
(Found at (conspirat) comm port™)


Uhm.. no.. it's my.. it's my.. my precious.. my precious..

Skifahrer sind die besseren Liebhaber

And in our series about buttons today:
Skifahrer sind die besseren Liebhaber
(Why do I have a Déjà Vu just now?) Anyway.. why this button and even more interesting: why this page? Well, the short answer: Because I can. For the long answer, you should know some German, sorry.. ;-)
Also, dann mal auf Deutsch weiter, um das Sprachengemisch auf dieser Seite noch ein bißchen zu erweitern.. Warum eine Seite mit der unglaublich tollen URL Nun aus dem ganz einfachen Grund, daß das etwas ist, was mal wieder gesagt werden muß. Scharenweise schnallen sich die kleinen Kinder ein einzelnes Brett unter die Füße mit dem traurigen Ergebnis, daß sie nachher im kalten Schnee sitzen und daß das der männlichen Anatomie nicht so unbedingt gut tut, braucht man sicher nicht erzählen.. Traurig, aber wahr. Und trotzdem sind viele Frauen dumm genug, Snowboarder cooler zu finden.. tja.. Mädels.. überlegt mal.. mit wem könnte der ganz persönliche Einkehrschwung mehr Spaß machen? Mit dem schlurfigen, dazu meistens noch zugekifften Snowboarder, dem durch genüssliches Sitzen im kalten Schnee das Erreichen der Betriebstemperatur so richtig schwer fallen mag, oder mit dem attraktiven, jung-dynamischen Skifahrer, dem zwar sein Werkzeug nicht eingefroren ist, der aber durch das ständige Wedeln einen interessanten Drang zu Hüftschwüngen entwickelt hat?

Programmer or Killer?

Multilanguage blogging.

I just had some thoughts about my blog here. Yes, I do sometimes thing about those kind of things, especially in this hot weather. Anyway.. I was thinking about my recent attempt to put some content here in German and that it's actually a mighty dumb idea to just mix the languages. First of all, I know, I shouldn't be blogging mainly in English, especially since the page has a German domain (.de) and well, because my English isn't quite as good as I wish I would be.
On the other hand, my readers are hopefully those people I talk to on ICQ quite often or those, who find the blog by accident on some of those blog-listing pages and - believe it or not - those are all in English language. Apart from that, for some maybe even perverted reason, which I didn't find out about, yet, I feel more comfortable to write stuff in English than in German. Don't ask me, why, it's just like that.
So I guess, I'll keep on writing in English here, but try hard to put more and more entries in German. Uhm, I just put up a whole lot of words, without saying much, hm? Well.. that's my job..


Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Nook :-D

My friend Nook Lee from Taiwan:
Nook Lee
Don't forget to visit her page.


Starting from now, I'll explain all those funny little buttons on the left, the pages, that they link to and how my relationship is to their owner and ideas.
To start really basic, I'll now explain
Dominik Schwind
which is nothing but a link to my own personal webpage, which I sadly didn't update at all for a long, long while.. and yes, I left it behind looking really ugly.

Dog Manual

Absolutly nothing..

to tell right now. Sad, uh?

A scene from Mission: Impossible

Parent 1:
Hey, it's about 8:30, in about half an hour the guy who puts in our new floor will be here.
Parent 2:
Well, we should wake up Dominik, after all, he's still sleeping and the connecting door to his room is not in at the moment.
Parent 1:
What a brilliant idea, I guess he'd rather get up with someone of us waking him instead of some guy cursing about having to work on a saturday..

10 at the office..

I just went to my workplace to shut down the computer after some compiling work.. uh, it's kinda eerie being there at 10 in the night.. ;-)

This dude gets it right..

Just as a add-on to my entry a couple of.. uh.. second ago:
I can't help but have the same opinion at the webmaster of NoFlashMob..

FlashMob or: The Art Of Being A Follower

When I read the blogs and news magazines of the last couple of days, there is one word, I keep on stumbling upon: FlashMob.
It's nothing else than a bunch of people, gathering on some place to do something stupid. And well, they do meet over the internet. That alone sounds actually quite fun, but believe it or not, people: it's already out! Rather than being the 1000st idiot redneck, who rounds up a couple of buddys and calls it a FlashMob, (question to my German speaking audience: H

Listing deutscher Blogs

Unter soll es demnächst wohl ein Listing deutschsprachiger Weblogs geben. Wer jetzt schon reinschauen will, kann dies unter machen..
Starting with this one, I'll also put some of my entries in German.. don't care too much, they're not much more intelligent than my normal entries.. ;-)

Junior Consultant

By the way.. I'm a Junior Consultant..

Google answers..


It's fun, cleaning up after renovation..
Especially in this weather..

Whoa, someone links me..

I don't know this guy, but for some reason he linked my blog. Well, his is actually quite a cool blog, so check it out..

More SARS drinks..

As posted in april, they actually DO have a Sars Soft Drink ...

Whoa, damn walls..

Why can't walls stay white? It kinda sucks having to move all the furniture around on a hot day like today, just so that the wall can get another layer of colour, that's going to turn grey anyway tomorrow?

I can see clearly now..

the rain has gone..
Now it would just be really interesting to know, where it went. All over Europe, there seems to be no water anymore. My plans to starting my own Banana Republic in my parent's garden seem to be more and more realistic every day. Well, fact is, here at the office, the weather is slightly changing the working behaviour. We still do work, but it's more in a state of sullen silence, hidden from the sun and the outside by heavy curtains all over the windows. And boy, boy, do we consume mineral water.. I'm already through my third bottle today and we only have 2:30pm, yet..


Turn's out, that it doesn't work so well..


I'm just about to try wBloggar, let's see, if that's working..

Weather Quiz

| No Comments
If it is 38C in the shades, how hot is it under a not very well isolated wooden roof?


The weather is still too hot and my desk is still too absent for me to really give the tamplates here on my page a good kick. But as I said in the entry LostFocus: LazyBoy.. yesterday, I want to have my page at least slightly XHTML valid. I kinda kicked around the template and some older entries and at least now the whole thing is XHTML 1.0 transitional valid.

Movable Type

Ever since I started using Movable Type, I couldn't help wondering, how exactly this trackback thing is actually working. Nicely enough, they set up a guide for beginners, that everybody should check out: TrackBack Development: TrackBack for Beginners


Ah, I moved the redesign of the weblog in some far future.. I want to make the whole thing XHTML 1.0 strict valid* and that's going to be a bit of work.

* for those of you, who don't know, what this is: read this book: JEFFREY ZELDMAN'S Designing With Web Standards

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About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from August 2003 listed from newest to oldest.

July 2003 is the previous archive.

September 2003 is the next archive.

Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.