June 2003 Archives


(No, not another post about myself.. ;-))
Yesterday night I went to watch the Chinese movie Hero (英雄), another Wu Xia (武俠)-movie, that made it to the west, just like the overwhelming Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (臥虎藏龍) a couple of years ago. And just like this one, Hero completely blew me away. Very well choreographed, wonderfully composed pictures, skillful actors and a great score are used to tell a story with a maybe not always easy accept to accept attitude.
In fact, I could keep on writing a lot more here, but right now, I just feel sleepy, thanks to the still very hot weather here, so maybe I'll post a complete review later on.. for now just: Go and see this film.

Friday, Friday..

Well, yeah, I didn't get the design of my private homepage done yesterday.. and yes, it does suck the way it looks now.. but hey, I do have all weekend and it should be possible to get it done until sunday or so..

Designing and no end..

And yet again, I am playing around with the design of this page - I want to change the design at my home page and here to have the same look and feel.. and so the next couple of hours/days it might look a wee bit weird here..

Syndicating my own blog..

Now I'm syndicating my own blog - how pathetic.. well, I guess no-one else would ever want to and I don't want that nifty RSS-feature of MovableType to rot around useless, so now I'm grabbing my blog-headlines and description and put them on my personal homepage.


Weird enough, you can trackback ping yourself..


Yeah, as I said before and will say again: at some point, I just don't know, what to write in a blog like this. My life ain't that interesting and the really interesting things are pretty much private or internal stuff from the company, so I'm not going to put that on my webpage.

No coffee..

Just imagine an office of about 10 complete coffee junkies and a coffee machine that's rather cleaning itself than make coffee..


And since I'm just so into writing my blog and thinking about Google, I want to repeat a little experiment, some people, who think way more about things like that and things like (X)HTML than me started some while ago.

Google and no end..

In my entry about Vanity Googling I was just being amused about the fact, that there is some other guy, who'll not be too happy to find me instead of himself when looking for his name on Google. But after that, I kept thinking about how Google and the possibility to gather information about a person effect us.

For My Friends..

Okay, I also imported the entries from the old 4myfriends-blog, just to fill all this one a bit.. ;-)
For those of you, who used to post there, if you want to post at this new one, too, just drop me a mail.. :-)

Importing the old stuff..

How funny.. while I'm importing all the old entries from my Blogger account to my new system here, I read through all of them and man, some of those are just so pure nonsense and not interesting for anyone at all.. but so is this one, so who cares? ;-)


Wow, this Movable Type system is sweet.. I'll still have to see, what features it actually has and how it's going to work, but boy, I love the user interface and the way it works smoothly until now.. and well.. the standard template just looks way more classy than anything I'd ever create.. so I'll really have to work hard on writing a nice one.. ;-)

Movable Type

It's sunday, I'm kinda bored and Blogger isn't working, so what do I do? Well, I install Movable Type on my system to be free from outside problems. Once again, I'll be needing some time to change the templates to look the way I want them to look, but hey.. what else to do on a sunday with the weather being so hot, that like 2 seconds after a shower, the sweat is overwhelming again?

Vanity googling

Just did some vanity googling and found that there is actually another guy with my name - Dominik Schwind - around.. he seems to be a tabletennis player for the FC Hettingen. Well, besides one result sheet I didn't find much information about his web activities, so I guess he won't be too pissed to find I took up almost all 20 positions on Google and the name for both the .com and the .de top-level domain..

Whoohoo, it's me again..

Whoohoo, it's me again..
Somehow I really seem to be way to lazy for a blog/web diary kinda thing, since I rather fall asleep or talk to my friends on all those nifty instant messaging things instead of posting something here.. and well, besides that, I don't really have so much to tell and to show.
The company I work for since the beginning of this month seems to be really cool until now - I haven't met all the guys there, but for me it seems like I'll quite like working there for the next couple of years. And uh, yeah.. I'm a Junior Consultant. Sounds like terribly important. In fact, in this company, it's a synonym for "student"..
Well, enough blabla for today, it's way too hot outside to move my fingers anymore..

Old Blogger Software

Still seems to be the old blogger software.. anyway, I don't want to bore anybody with this, so here are the news..
Since monday, I'm working at the company that's supposed to turn me into a IT-business consultant.. which sounded kinda cool in the mid-90s but now sounds more like talking a lot, producing a lot of paper and getting more money than appropriate. Well, if you ask me, that sounds about cool for me..
Sidenote: it's really hot in here, must be about gazillions of degrees - it's an old house and we're right under the roof, so you can kinda imagine, that it's like up to 10% hotter and more annoying than outside..


Okay, I really hope they give me the new software soon..

A new try..

Soon, Blogger is supposed to put up a new software.. hopefully, my template-problem is solved with that..
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