August 2004 Archives

Aishwarya Rai

Aishwarya Rai

10 Unwritten Rules for a Consultant to Live By

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I just found those Ten Unwritten Rules for a Consultant to Live By. Good to know for someone slowly getting into that business.
  1. You work for the client, not the consulting firm.  No matter who cuts the payroll check, the client is the one paying for your services.  Do the right thing for the client, not the consulting firm (or anyone else).
  2. Your network of consultants is your most important asset.
  3. Consultants should keep a blacklist of firms and other consultants that should be avoided, and why.  Share this list with your network of consultants but not to the general public.
  4. Do not make negative comments about another consultant within ear shot of an employee of a client, and especially around the sales and marketing people of a consulting firm.  Negative comments are fine between consultants, but, keep it “in the family”.  But, never break rule # 1.  When dealing with non-consultants, do like your mom always told you, “if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all”.
  5. When your consulting firm takes you out to lunch, remember, you are really the one buying lunch.  It is coming out of the consulting firm’s cut out of your rate, so just pretend you are picking up the check.  Would you really want to pay to have lunch with this person?  The same thing holds true for all events and gifts you may get from the consulting firm.
  6. Avoid giving consulting firms information on possible leads without first getting everything in writing (especially your commission).  And even then, the contract usually isn’t worth the paper it is written on.  Don’t expect to get any money for info on leads, so be careful who you give them out to.
  7. When referring another consultant to a consulting firm, expect a finder’s fee.  $2 per hour is the minimum that they should offer.  Flat fees typically benefit the consulting firm not you, so try to avoid them.  Remember, your finder’s fee is coming out of the consultant’s pocket.  So if the consultant is part of your network, you should waive the fee.  Your network keeps you employed.
  8. If you didn’t negotiate your rate starting at the consulting firms billing rate to the client don’t try to find out what it is, unless you are prepared for the consequences.   That knowledge will usually just make you disgruntled.
  9. Never tell the client what the consulting firm is paying you.  If they need to know, it is up to the firm to disclose that info (see rules #1 and #8).
  10. Avoid professional days.  You don’t bill for hours you don’t work, so you shouldn’t work for hours that you don’t bill.  A good project plan, with a budget to match it, is a must.  Unless of course you created the project plan, then you should live with the mess that you created.
[via Jim]

Surfing Hawaii

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Another productivity software: Surfing Hawaii Bigwave [via Nico Lumma]

Fired for Blogging

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Fired for blogging - not me and I hope I won't happen. But Friendster, the original social networking site, fired Joyca Park for blogging. What Friendster is experiencing now is the revenge of the bloggers. [via Oliver Thylmann]

The Breast Pocket

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Dan Cederholm found out about the usefulness of breast pockets:
There are but a select few shirts in my wardrobe that sport them, but the ones that do are quickly becoming favorites. For I am here today, in the year 2004, to salute the single most groundbreaking development in garment history — the breast pocket.
I have to admit I also quite like to use them especially for my cellphone, parking tickets and the like. Sadly though I only own a couple of shirts with pockets but if I wear them then it's a convenient place to stuff things. And the first person to suggest pocket protectors will be in big trouble.


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Sometimes it's hard to resist sending a text-message or an email or making a call when waiting for a single, simple sign.

IM Spam

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Just now I got IM-spammed. Not just a normal spam message, no someone actually tried to chat me up to sell me some porn page. Clever bot or a student making easy money? crhiticalsystemheir: hi... anyone there? chondrodite: yes.. crhiticalsystemheir: oh your there hi... chondrodite: how did you find me? crhiticalsystemheir: was just browsing the yahoo profile thing. looked like you might be an interesting persoon to chat with. crhiticalsystemheir: a//l (age sex location)? crhiticalsystemheir: im 27/f/USA. was lookin at your profile. thoight you might like to chat. chondrodite: I'm 23/male/SW-germany.. and now convince me, that you're an interesting person to chat with.. crhiticalsystemheir: so what have you been up to chondroddite? crhiticalsystemheir: cool. i was just hangin out watching tv. i was gtting kinda horny (*blushes) crhiticalsystemheir: feel like a little cyber fun with me ?? please please... chondrodite: oh, were you.. and you didn't find anything better to do than go online? chondrodite: actually. no. chondrodite: especially not, when I'm at the office. crhiticalsystemheir: i thonk ill just take that as a yes... being as that im starting to get real horny here.. lol ok? chondrodite: ehm, no? crhiticalsystemheir: oh well your loss. why dont you open up my profile and see what you missed out on. theres a link there to my homepage where i have some real nice pics to leave with. chondrodite: a-ha!

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The people from are filthy little referrer spammers.

Monday Morning

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There are still people who say that modern day men have lost all resemblance to the glorious knights of the old ages. The next time I hear someone say that I'll put him in front of a big long Word document and let him reformat single table cells and included objects. And after he handled that you can bring in the dragon and it will look like an easy task.

Jenny Choi

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Jenny Choi - Stronger (3,8MB, MP3) I accidentaly stumbled upon the website of Jenny Choi before and liked that song. As far as I can gather from this weblog post by Min Jung Kim Jenny Choi is actually a high school teacher and promoter of an Asian-American music festival.


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If you happen to like games like Tetris and you don't mind the word fuck, then FuckIt! is your game. [via Very Big Blog]

Elisha Cuthbert

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LostFocus Entertainment proudly presents: And to start the page off with a wonderful young actress, here is Elisha Cuthbert. Elisha Cuthbert


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Dildo-shaped candy: Fr-ooze Pop. [via Fleshbot]


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Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are hoping the new mansion they've just purchased will be ready in time for their wedding. It could take a while, because it takes a long time to weld together a hundred trailer homes.
-- The Superficial

All you zombies.

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Now this is totally cool: Zombie Infection Simulation [via Kitta]

Hetero badge by Heiko Hebig |

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How to write a best selling fantasy novel.

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Every since "The Lord of the Rings", epic fantasy novels have been high on the bestseller list. Every thought of writing one? WELL HERE'S HOW.
[via MeFi]

A Boy's Dream - The New Corvette

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Francesca Chillemi

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Francesca Chillemi

Gmail Invites

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Invite 5 friends to Gmail
How do they think I have 5 friends? Or at least 5 friends without Gmail by now. So, if YOU happen to think you're my friend and still don't have a Gmail-account, then say hello - at dominik at Update: I've got even more of them. If you need any, send me a message.


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Tom Werner started a quite fun new service for webloggers: Gravatar. The word stands for globally recognized avatar and actually tries to provide a fun and simple solution for tagging weblog comments with an avatar, a little icon representing the person commenting. To quote the well-written FAQ:
Think of as a dictionary that associates email addresses and avatar images. When you leave a comment on a weblog and provide your email address, the weblog can use your email address to look up your avatar. Since the dictionary is available to anyone, a single avatar image can represent you across many different weblogs.
And since I think, this is quite a good idea, this weblog here is now gravatar-enabled.

Herbal Energy Drink

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Herbal Energy Drink, originally uploaded by dominikschwind.

In Amsterdam I didn't expect anything else. :)

Blair Witch Photoshop

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Catspiders, robots in the fog, zombies, eyes, little monkey - I found a digital camera in the woods. [via Heiko Hebig] Am I the only one who thinks, that the little monkey on this picture looks a bit familiar? ;)

Jeanette Lee

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Aachen and Amsterdam

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Perspective?, originally uploaded by dominikschwind.

I spend my last weekend up north. First I was visiting my friend Giacomo, who was kind enough to take me in after we found that Aachen doesn't have any proper bridge to sleep under. After a big family party for my aunt's birthday I went to Amsterdam on sunday with my youngest sister and our parents.
Amsterdam is pretty much what I thought it would be, just even more so. The houses are picturesque, (as you can see on the photo) the Magic Mushroom stores are colourful and yes, the women in the windows are plentyful.
I didn't quite get to check out the finer details of the town, given the fact that I only had one day and was there with my family, but it sure makes me know that I want to go there again.

And on the way back I bought a lot of Belgian beer.

Das E-Business Weblog: Athens 2004 Hyperlink Policy

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Ni Hao

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Chinese has a reputation as one of the world's hardest languages, but Beijing is hoping a slick new primer will get foreigners ready to at least greet locals with a friendly "ni hao!" when they come to town for the 2008 Olympics.
Beijing wants Chinese hello in 2008


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So Feedburner offers the splicing/combining of a weblog feed with an image feed from flickr link feed from, furl or bloglines. This is all very neat, but why on earth do they only allow one of those last three services? I am using both and bloglines and would be way happy to have both feeds spliced into my weblog feed.


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Today we found the old computer of the Titanic: Computer We were able to scare away the little fishes. :)


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My office life as flash game: cyrkam airtös [via Very Big Blog]


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Now that is as wack as it is cool: A guy with his own whitewater roller-coaster. [via jens scholz]

Buy Quake IV with Duke Nukem Forever today!

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Press each letter in the address bar of your browser and list what the auto-complete function jumps to first. a: b: c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: lostfocus (local mirror of this page) m: n: o: p: q: - r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z: [via O(li)-Töne]

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba


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Going Plazes

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I really had to try Plazes, a location based social networking software. It looks really interesting and I feel it will be even more interesting as soon as more people use it. [via Loic Le Meur and Nico Lumma]


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I can feel the autumn coming right at me, showing in the fact that the first thing I did this morning was cursing. At the world in general, at the grey rainy sky, at my alarm clock, at the cold air outside my blanket, at the emptiness next to me under the blanket, at the fact that I have to go to work, at my consciousness that I shouldn't curse that fact and instead be happy that I have a job, at the fact that I curse the morning instead of welcoming it and once again at the world in general. Sometimes I wish I could be as content as this little frog. PS: No, I don't actually have any reason to curse. I'm just grumpy.

Hollywood, remixed

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And don't spend your time lookin' around For something you want that can't be found When you find out you can live without it And go along not thinkin' about it
Balou the Bear - The Bear Necessities

On Schools

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Wow. Philipp Lenssen wrote a long and very thoughtful article about schools and institutionalized learning.
Well, one thing you do learn in school. And that is getting around with tricks and cheating and begging for attention. You learn to quietly cope with stress. You learn to give sane reactions to insane circumstances. Maybe it's a good preparation for an insane society. Or maybe it's just what makes our society insane in the first place.

Is it ever going to stop? (II)

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Paris Hilton Sex Tapes Stolen In Raid
Sex videos of socialite Paris Hilton are reportedly among items stolen in a raid on her Los Angeles home last week. Stills and video clips of her with former lover, ex-Backstreet Boy star Nick Carter were among the haul of jewellery and other personal effects. Police believe the raid was not a forced entry, but carried out by someone with a spare key. The Hilton Hotels' heiress recently had to endure the embarrassment of sex videos of her romps with a former boyfriend aired on the internet. "She's bracing herself for further embarrassment," said a source close to the 23-year-old. Despite her outrage over the tapes scandal, the millionairess has agreed to sell them, sharing the profits with her ex, reports the News of the World.
Hooray for boobies.

Is it ever going to stop?

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I just saw over at that there is yet another social network tool around - Multiply. It seems to combine all the stuff from other services like friendster and orkut plus some sort of weblog functionality, a way to share pictures and some other features I didn't check out, yet. And even though I hardly ever use my orkut account and certainly never use friendster, I had to sign up, just to have a look at it - here is my page on their servers.


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After long abstinence I was finally able to mess around with CSS again. I present to you: LostFocus Keira Knightley Remix.


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Goal! Goal! Goal! Thanks to one of the many Tobiasses, that I seem to know.

googling_cartoon.jpg (JPEG Image, 450x308 pixels)

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Blaster Master

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Blaster Master Yes, he did write the Blaster worm. But isn't it still a bit unfair to distribute that picture? [via Seattle Times]

wg:A web standards checklist

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HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux

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Evil Plot to Blow Up Batman

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The Morning News - The LiveJournal of Zachary Marsh

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Today, my Fan Package arrived and I am impressed. A messenger bag, a quite good looking watch, a pocket radio, a pocket quiz and the most recent issue of Zeit. Hooray,, you made my day.. :)

Rain radar

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Funny Inferno

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Funny Inferno


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Bridget Moynahan

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Bridget Moynahan

spam spam spam, lovely spam

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I know it's not the most original thing on this planet to write about spam but this time I just had to do it. I just got an email with the most promising subject
now her friends are chip trendy
Now her friends are chip trendy. There is so much in this sentence, I don't know where to start. Obviously the mysterious she has friends, which is good for her. And those friends (not her!) are now chip trendy. I wonder how it is like being chip trendy. And how can I be chip trendy, too? What is chip trendy anyway? It sounds like a cool thing for a geek - being trendy AND having something with chips. So, after this amazing subject totally gripped me, I actually opened that email and hoped, they would tell me the story about her chip trendy friends. But all I found was some stupid way to buy pills online. And that is not going to make me chip trendy.

TXP TagManual

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Bart vs George

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Just now I tried to play around a bit with Textpattern when I noticed something weird. I tried to post an entry to my local test weblog and found my PHP trying to connect to, which is the server. Since my firewall doesn't allow this to happen the PHP process hangs up and I get a connection time-out from my server. Now I wonder what exactly Textpattern is trying to do there, connection out to it's home server with every new post. Is any Textpattern user out there aware of this and has more information?


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WordPress TopSites Now that's pointless. That's why I like it. :)

279 Feeds

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279 Feeds Right now I am following 279 feeds. I'd love to reach 300 so if you have any great source of news or blogging greatness, don't hesitate to inform me.

BAR crew welcomes JB back to work

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Insomnia zombie

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Today I am officially an insomnia zombie. Not that I actually have insomnia, I can actually sleep very well when I'm in my bed. But the last couple of nights I was almost everywhere except my bed. I was having late night pasta in the Swiss alps on Friday night. I was repairing a boat on Saturday night. I was having an after-rafting-beer on Sunday night. I was having a slightly chaotic night of beer and mojito last night. On a Monday, who'd believe that? To cut the long babbling short, I didn't get a lot of sleep and right now I am paying for it. My brain has about the reaction speed of a tectonic plate and the memory space of an old casio watch. Not like I have any hang over or anything, I just turn slowly into a zombie, including the slouchy way of moving.

What is your email address domain name telling me?

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I just found at the Preisbloggen page, that I won a Fan Package. Now could someone please tell me what it is and how I get that? Weird world. A Fan Package. It is hot, yes, and I could sure use a fan. But in a package? Update: I just got an email answering all those questions. Kind of. :)

Nashville Pussy: Say something nasty

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Playmobil BMW Z4

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Playmbil BMW Z4 BMW and Playmobil bring the Z4 into children's hands. Too bad, I'm too old to play with Playmobil nowadays.. :) [via Spiegel Online]


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Closed Caption

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A new weblog is around: Closed Caption. I'll be reading you, Stefan. :)

5 Free Windows Web Design Apps You Can't Live Without!

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Joel on Software - The Iceberg Secret, Revealed

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Napkin Look & Feel

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SIX FEET UNDER - Gestorben wird immer

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SIX FEET UNDER - Gestorben wird immer Flash Game [Thanks, Justus]

Eric Meyer

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In the last couple of weeks I treated myself to a tripod of books of one guy - Eric Meyer. Cascading Style Sheets - The Definite Guide Cascading Style Sheets - The Definite Guide (Second Edition) - I got that only today so I cant comment on it, yet. From my first flipping through it seems to be a complete guide of everything CSS is capable of. Eric Meyer on Css Eric Meyer On CSS - Focus on real life examples this book walks through a couple of case studies. Even though it didn't have any new hard facts for me it yet induced a lot of inspirations. More Eric Meyer On Css More Eric Meyer On CSS - A follow up to the book before, this one pretty much shows, how much more CSS is capable of.

Need cool beer?

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Now this is a great invention: PeltierBeerCooler [via MeFi]

The new batmobile in action

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Army rejects web addicts

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A guide to the language of web design

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The tutorials don't tell you how to create effects in Photoshop, Flash or CSS. This is about the essential, timeless skills: how to make sense, how to put together a design that is appealing to use as well as to look at.
Tutorials - a guide to the language of web design (Web Design from Scratch) [via Webpropaganda]

SugarCRM Inc. Commercial Open Source CRM

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Elisha Cuthbert

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Elisha Cuthbert

German police nab mugger who made victims strip

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Testing Meme Propagation In Blogspace: Add Your Blog!

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This posting is a community experiment that tests how a meme, represented by this blog posting, spreads across blogspace, physical space and time. It will help to show how ideas travel across blogs in space and time and how blogs are connected. It may also help to show which blogs are most influential in the propagation of memes. The dataset from this experiment will be public, and can be located via Google (or Technorati) by doing a search for the GUID for this meme (below). The original posting for this experiment is located at: Minding the Planet (Permalink: —- results and commentary will appear there in the future. Please join the test by adding your blog (see instructions, below) and inviting your friends to participate — the more the better. The data from this test will be public and open; others may use it to visualize and study the connectedness of blogspace and the propagation of memes across blogs. The GUID for this experiment is: as098398298250swg9e98929872525389t9987898tq98wteqtgaq62010920352598gawst (this GUID enables anyone to easily search Google (or Technorati) for all blogs that participate in this experiment). Anyone is free to analyze the data of this experiment. Please publicize your analysis of the data, and/or any comments by adding comments onto the original post (see URL above). (Note: it would be interesting to see a geographic map or a temporal animation, as well as a social network map of the propagation of this meme.) INSTRUCTIONS To add your blog to this experiment, copy this entire posting to your blog, and then answer the questions below, substituting your own information, below, where appropriate. Other than answering the questions below, please do not alter the information, layout or format of this post in order to preserve the integrity of the data in this experiment (this will make it easier for searchers and automated bots to find and analyze the results later). REQUIRED FIELDS (Note: Replace the answers below with your own answers) (1) I found this experiment at URL: (2) I found it via Newsreader Software (BlogLines) (3) I posted this experiment at URL: (4) I posted this on date (day, month, year): 03/08/04 (5) I posted this at time (24 hour time): 08:31 (CET, Lörrach, Germany) (6) My posting location is (city, state, country): Lörrach, Germany OPTIONAL SURVEY FIELDS (Replace the answers below with your own answers): (7) My blog is hosted by: Domainfactory Webhosting (8) My age is: 23 (9) My gender is: Male (10) My occupation is: Student (11) I use the following RSS/Atom reader software: BlogLines (12) I use the following software to post to my blog: WordPress (13) I have been blogging since (day, month, year): 02/10/02 (14) My web browser is: Mozilla Firefox (15) My operating system is: Windows XP

RSS Calendar

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Tim Yang found a service on the web that allows the user to open up a calendar and share it with friends and family - by RSS:

By the way..

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I do have short hair now. If I wouldn't have, I'd totally go after finding this picture of my god-daughter's christening.

Back in Germany

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KL by night Since this morning, I am back in Germany. I found the weather here to be just as annoyingly humid and hot as it was over there. Tomorrow I already have to go back to work. Given my chaotic time feeling and so many things I want to get done soon, I have to admit the time frame until then is pretty short.
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