June 2004 Archives


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Amazing how the Netherlands were playing so bad that the Portuguese team had to score for them.

Honda CRX

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It's always way funny to see people being proud of having a small dick and a small purse. Tiny Dick


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Swiss Patriotism Swiss strips?


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The Pörschmann will have diarrhoea today.


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Bitte sorgt doch dafür, dass sämtliche Lehrerinnen mit Doppelnamen und ähnliche Zeit-Leser diese niveauvolle Seite lesen werden, in dem Ihr mich DA nominiert: Preisbloggen Button

Trinat parties are the best.

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A seemingly random collection of pictures of last friday's party: Trinat Trinat Trinat Trinat Trinat Trinat Trinat Trinat Trinat Trinat

BSI - Das Jahr 2000 Problem

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BSI  - Das Jahr 2000 Problem BSI - Das Jahr 2000 Problem


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Eurobad74 Eurobad 74 is a photocollection of "Europe's worst interiors of '74." Marvelous. I was born too late for sure. [via BoingBoing]

Fresh air.

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Sitting in the half dark, the air being sweltry and stifling after only four hours of sleep is not as productive as I wished it would be..

Shake it like a polaroid picture..

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Woohoo, earthquake!

Ines Sastre, Laetitia Casta, Heidi Klum

Ines Sastre, Laetitia Casta, Heidi Klum

Girls in L�rrach

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The more girls I see here in town, the more Justus' quote seems to be true:
Nice from afar, but far from nice.

L'exchange est mort

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L'exchange est mort l'exchange est mort; L'exchange est mort l'exchange est mort. Il ne dira plus co co di co co da Il ne dira plus co co di co co da co co co co co co co co di co co da.

Ice Ice Baby

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Windspire Entertainment finally made a good video for the Vanilla Ice smash hit Ice Ice Baby. [via rip:log]

Project Green

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Microsoft Corp. is slowing down development work on a new family of its business applications -- known as "Project Green" -- and is instead focusing on the products it currently sells. Because the first products now won't be out until 2008 at the earliest, the number of developers assigned to Project Green is being reduced from 200 to 70, Microsoft Senior Vice President Doug Burgum said Wednesday. Microsoft originally had planned to ship the first results of Project Green as early as late 2004.
Microsoft puts brakes on next business apps

Germany tops porn Web hosting superleague

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Smoking is for stupid people

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The German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg published a report that mainly badly educated and - to be frank - totally stupid people smoke. Intelligent and well-informed people know the risques of the poisonous gases and make the conscious descision decision to stop smoking in favour of their health. DPA article in German here, via StayTrue.


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Let's face it: we got kicked out of the EuroCup for a very good reason. You can't blame the coach. You can't blame the players, being very young and not yet ready for those big tasks. They will be in 2006. But there is one group of actors, that is to blame for our drop out: the fans. The pan shot of the fans during the game between Spain and Portugal: a feast to the eye. Pretty women galore. The Swedish fan girls. Wow. Swedish EuroCup Fans Even the British, usually not so well equiped with good looking ladies managed to find some hotties. British EuroCup Fans And the best we have is Peggy from Erfurt. Peggy from Erfurt Notice something? And to make matters worse, Germany's big tabloid ran this amazingly stupid title page today: Stupid tabloid front page How on earth were we supposed to succeed? We clearly have to work on that until the WorldCup in two years.


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  1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me alone.
  2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire.
  3. It’s always darkest before dawn. So if you’re going to steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it.
  4. Sex is like air. It’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.
  5. Don’t be irreplaceable. If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be promoted.
  6. No one is listening until you fart.
  7. Always remember you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
  8. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
  9. If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
  10. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.
  11. If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.
  12. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
  13. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
  14. If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.
  15. Some days you are the bug; some days you are the windshield.
  16. Don’t worry; it only seems kinky the first time.
  17. Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
  18. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.
  19. A closed mouth gathers no feet.
  20. Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
  21. There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.
  22. Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your lips are moving.
  23. Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
  24. Never miss a good chance to shut up.
  25. We are born naked, wet and hungry, and get slapped on our butt… then things got worse.
  26. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
  27. There is a fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
  28. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.
  29. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday… around age 11.
  30. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
Via Swiss Strips

Voglio stare sotto al letto

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Voglio stare sotto al letto - just the thing to get Michelle Hunziker back into the gossip. It's not quite a sex tape, though.


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Survivial tip: Do not call your favourite pizza service tonight to order a scandinavian pizza.


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I'm writing a favourite blog! I should post my top ten list there later on, too.

SpaceShip One

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SpaceShip One The first privately owned spacecraft made it's first flight last night and returned to earth safely after it's trip to 100km height. Space.com has extensive coverage of the whole endeavour.

Dimmu Borgir

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Project management: Waterfall

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Everyone working in IT should know the waterfall way of managing IT projects. David Pinn analyzed this approach and shows, what's really behind this methodology: A fresh look at the waterfall. [via Matt]

Miki Mizuno

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Miki Mizuno


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I found five sparkly new gmail-invites this morning. One of them went to a friend, the other four I decided to give to someone else. Since I didn't just want to throw them away, I decided to give them to students, who are studing abroad. So, if you're a student studying in another country than your own and want a gmail-account, then tell me in the comments, where you come from and what you study at which university. The first four persons will get invited. Don't forget to put your current working email into the email-field, otherwise I won't be able to send the invite to you. Don't be worried about spam, it won't show the email on the page later on. Update: Please write your first and last name, since Gmail needs both for the invitations. Update 2: There are more invitations to give out. Come and get it.

The Indian Shankar Drum Ganesh Machine

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Meet Joe Blog

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Virtual Replay

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Wolfgang just asked me in ICQ, why I blogged the last entry in English. He was wondering since it's quite sure that no-one outside the German-language world knows this TV-person, who is only known for the fact, that his last name, which translates to plum says a lot about his moderating skills. In fact, I want to be blogging in English exclusively during this month, both to see, how my readership responds to that and how my English might be improving. If you, yes you are a regular reader here, I would be most delighted, if you left your views on that issue in the comments. Thanks.

evian live young week

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evian has one weird sweepstake: they and Kai Pflaume want to fulfil a dream of your youth. Pflaume The words on the label are:
10x your individual dream of your youth 10 travels to the evian live young week on Mallorca.
My first thought was: the very last thing in my individual dream is Kai Pflaume with me on Mallorca. Now what exactly are they planing? Maybe I missed something? Millions of Germans, whose well hidden individual dream is a trip to Mallorca with Kai Pflaume? I was terrified. Luckily, I decided to rip the label from the bottle and on the backside I found an or between those two points. So it's either the individual dream or a trip to Mallorca. Without Pflaume, though, he's just going to pick the winner. Sounds better, but the individual dream of my youth looks different. I checked for the smaller print and found a not so promising sentence:
The fulfilment of the dream will be limited by the promotional budget.
Damn. I guess, evian has quite a huge promotional budget, but will it be enough to build a flying car?

Urban archaeologist

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Everybody hates a literalist.

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iTunes Europe

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The iTunes MusicStore Europe started yesterday and quite frankly, I am not impressed. It's good, that there is finally a legal way to download music over here in Europe, too, but without a credit card it's still closed. And not as many people have a credit card here as in the USA. Secondly, even though the prices are less than what some pundits calculated before, for my taste, it's still too expensive. I am not willing to pay 10€ for an album, which only consists of sound files. If I want to listen to that in my car or in my stereo and maybe even have a nice cover for it, I'd need to invest in a blank CD, coloured printer ink, paper and time. All of those are not too expensive, but added together, they reach between 11 and 12 Euro and for that kind of money, I rather go to the record store in town and get a CD there. The chances to find less mainstreamy music is much better there, anyway

UN_FOLD: Ninety Days

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UN_FOLD: Ninety Days [once again via Jim]

Bike Furniture Design

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Sony DSC-P 100

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I want this. [via SWR]

What a day..

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First the big election all over Europe for the European Parliament, which was sadly attended by a way too small amount of people all over Europe and that firmly established the centre-right parties as the main power in Brussels. The German FDP actually made their way into the parliament, which is rather remarkable and quite deserving, since they are the only German party to oppose software patents. I hope, their voice will be strong enough to make sure, that patents like the one, that granted Oracle a patent about web content management systems, will not happen in Europe. And then, what a match between France and England. Amazing work on both sides and an amazing last three minutes, that changed everything what looked so sure just before the end of the game. And to round up this entry, I want to send a big Hello to my dear friend Diane, who promised me today, she would read this page from now on. :)

Carmen Kass

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Carmen Kass Don't forget to vote today!

Quest For The Rest

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Quest For The Rest Quest For The Rest is a game a bit like Samorost, created by the same people. It's a band promotion and features actually quite good music. It's not as long and complicated as Samorost, but very entertaining, so give it a try! [via MeFi]

Quote of the day

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I don't have anything to hide - especially on the internet, where everybody is anonymous.
From our Galaxywars-BBS.

The Emotional Costs of Fidelity

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Beachy feelings

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In a better world, I'd now be able to pick up my girl, pack some clothes and just drive south to some beach. The weather today is just so.. beachy. The sun is there, but there are still a lot of clouds and it's quite windy. Oh, I so much want to the beach right now.. :)

Sanoe Lake

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Sanoe Lake

Which movie villian are you?

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Which movie villian are you? Ehm. Not! [via shirtrat]

Words from Robert Hung, Porn Producer

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Severina Vuckovic Porn Sex Tape

Listen, guy, I know you want to jerk off to Severina Vuckovic. Me, being a hot porn producer myself - see the moustache - can well understand that. The girl has some serious talent going on and her movie sure is hot. Most professional tapes are boring compared to that. And wow, does she look good!

Just why on earth do you think, you can find the Severina Vuckovic Sex tape here on this innocent little weblog? Come on, you can't even find the Paris Hilton Sex Tape here and that's like so last winter and everybody has seen it anyway.

Did you know, that this guy is actually reading his server informations really carefully and can tell, when you're surfing for porn from an office computer? You sure didn't think about that, right? Or are you actually allowed to search for porn during work time? And then what? Watch it? Right there? In your office?

Anyway, I can't help you to the video right now. But maybe you might like to have a good look at some pierced nipples? Captain Cornelius found those and they sure should have more impact than some pretty standard sex tape.

I hope, I was able to help you, if not, you should ask the church.

Sincerely, Robert Hung, Porn Producer.


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It's too big for the main page, so please click on the more-link, when you are there. If you see the juggler, just rejoice and forget about this text here. :)


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LAMPPIX, the Linux Live CD booting a webserver [via stacktrace]

POP Goes The GMail

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POP Goes The GMail - Access GMail by POP3 and SMTP

The Severina Vuckovic Effect

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Ever since I posted a picture of Severina Vuckovic, my server counts hit after hit. And since I have Refer running on my weblog, I can pretty much see, who's coming to this page. Some interesting domains, who have been looking specifically for this page:
  • activision.com
  • disney.com
  • yahoo.com
  • princeton.edu
  • motorola.com
  • halliburton.com
  • army.mil
  • navy.mil
  • microsoft.com
  • lucent.com
This does of course not mean, that they link to my page.. those are just people using their company's web connection to - let's face it - look for porn. No-one can tell me that any of those persons knew Severina before her tape (I admit, I didn't.) and I am sure that they were looking for the tape. At their office. Why on earth did I even bother with my safe for work stylesheet?


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I just noticed, that one of those pages, that I hardly ever visit, is the Google mainpage. While I use Google often and extensive, I almost all the time do that by using the nifty search text field in my Firefox. This way, I miss out on all those nice Google Doodles, that were featured in the Google Weblog today.


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Practical joke of the day: Sending an email with the subject
..., Dominik Schwind has invited you to open a Google mail account
In fact, today I got to invite some people to Gmail, but I already did that.

Budget Design: Increase Profit by Improving Process

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Tainted Love

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softcell.JPG You have a lot going for you, but most people will only remember you for one thing, and a lot of them will try to copy it. They'll all suck at it, though. Besides, you've got better stuff. What band from the 80s are you? brought to you by Quizilla [via Isotopp]

The trouble with studying

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For someone, who loves to learn, studying can be a major drawback. Here I am, with my books again, there I am, on my desk, here I go, playing student again, there I go, turn the page. The big problem with institutionalised learning is the motivation. I am highly motivated to know everything about those subjects, that I avoid studying right now by writing this post. I want to know the difference between different groupware systems, I am interested in enterprise ressource planing and supply chain management. I really want to know, what data warehousing is and not only use that to sound intelligent. But am I motivated to learn that here in my room, from notes and rather - pardon my French - fucked up scripts? No. I really don't. I feel like I only study that right now for the exam tomorrow and not for the actual knowledge. And examination marks were never something to motivate me. After all, I know, that I am great, why do I need marks to prove that for me?

CRM & Mobile Sales via SAP

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A quick nap

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A quick nap after having had a after-examination beer in the sun and a big lunch sounds like a great idea. But if there is no-one to wake you up it's late afternoon all of a sudden and the workload is still waiting. Sadly though the nap rather made me more sleepy than I was before, so I'm going to have to fight my way through the theory of groupware half asleep. Yay!

Miss EM 2004

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Severina Vuckovic

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Severina Vuckovic Another one of those B-celebs with a sex tape: Severina Vuckovic. This one is from Croatia. [Via Fleshbot]

Lou Reed - Take a walk on the Nasty side with Run DMC (JPL)

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The Long Reach of the Wolf

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Scum vs. Blog: 1:0

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Too bad: The Nigritude Ultramarine contest, a Google contest similar to the schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat experiment, was won by a couple of bulletin board spammers. However, the high ranking of Philipp's Google Blogoscoped shows that well maintained weblogs have a realistic chance to be the search engine topping marketing tool of the near future. Whether or not this will catch on might also be well dependent on the success of Nike's joint venture with Gawker Media - Art Of Speed.


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Last week, I had visitors from this countries, ordered by the number of visitors:
  • Germany
  • United States
  • Hungary
  • Switzerland
  • Canada
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • Australia
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Austria
  • Great Britain
  • China
  • Czech Republic
  • Turkey
  • Brazil
  • Sweden
  • Slovak Republic
  • South Korea
  • Norway
  • India
  • Taiwan
  • Nigeria
  • Belgium
  • Argentina
  • Poland
  • Malaysia
  • Estonia
  • Pakistan
  • Hong Kong
  • Thailand
  • Singapore
  • Peru
  • France
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Lithuania
  • Russian Federation
  • Mexico
  • Cook Islands
  • Indonesia
  • Fiji
  • Vietnam
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Georgia
  • Greece
  • Iceland
  • South Africa
  • Luxembourg
  • Portugal
  • Egypt
  • Philippines
  • Slovenia
  • Ireland
  • Croatia
  • Iran
  • Chile
  • Romania
  • Yugoslavia
  • Israel
  • Latvia
  • Finland
  • New Zealand

Deutschlands Nachwuchs

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Lino fasst in guten und kurzen Worten die Probleme der heutigen Jugend zusammen.
All das [..] führt zu zunehmender Orientierungs- und Wertelosigkeit bei steigendem Leistungsdruck und zunehmender Unsicherheit. Daß das nicht funktionieren kann, muss ich hoffentlich niemandem erklären.

Robot Johnny Free Fonts

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Dateisysteme und Datenbanken

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Was wäre, wenn ein anderer Regisseur den Herrn der Ringe gedreht hätte? Mögliche Antworten auf diese Frage finden sich bei Karin.
John McTiernan: * Frodo würde verkatert, rauchend, fluchend, unrasiert und im Unterhemd durch das weihnachtliche Mittelerde stapfen und die ganze Zeit brummeln: „Ich liebe solche Tage...“, während er den Orks gleichzeitig mal so richtig den Arsch versohlt. * Gandalf wäre schwarz und Aragorn würde die ganze Zeit überlegen, ob er Arwen anrufen sollte.

Average attendance of the Members of the European Parliament

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Christina Ricci

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Christina Ricci

Unexpected Compliments

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How nice: I'm lostfocus.de is a
high-quality page
providing a
high-quality backlink
for the Nigritude Ultramarine-SEO-Contest. Thanks, Philipp, unexpected compliments are always the best ones.. :)

Recreational Sluming

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Kleiner Tipp für all diejenigen, die gerne mal absurde Massen absurd hässlicher Menschen sehen wollen: das Kaufland in Lörrach Samstag mittags.

Beeindruckende Szenen der Fu�ball-WM!

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ERP Sales

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Was macht man als fleissiger Wirtschaftsinformatikstudent am frühen Samstag morgen? Man sucht völlig unmotiviert nach ERP-Sales. Und wieder einmal muss ich feststellen, dass Google durch diese elenden Weblogs völlig zugemüllt ist, schon auf Platz drei ist ein völlig unnötiger Eintrag: ERP Sales

Wir k�nnen alles..

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Wir können alles - außer schwäbisch.

Praxisbuch XHTML

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Praxisbuch XHTML (5MB, PDF) [via byteBLOG]

Erotischer Spielplan EM 2004

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Erotischer Spielplan EM 2004 Update: Hier findet man einen Link, über den man sich einen (unerotischen) Spielplan als Excel-Vorlage herunterladen kann. Update 2: Und hier für die Herren. Zwar kein Spielplan, aber eine hübsche Frau aus allen vertretenen Ländern.

Der Berliner

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Wieso muss ich das eigentlich im Reuters-Newsfeed lesen und habe es nicht schon vor Wochen in einem Weblog aus Berlin gelesen? Berliners launch new currency

Slipknot - Vermilion pt.2

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She seemed dressed and not all of me Stretched across my shame, All the torment to the pain Leaked through and covered me. I'd do anything to have her to myself, Just to have her for myself. Now I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do When she makes me sad. She is everything to me, The unrequited dream, A song that no one sings, The unattainable. She's a myth that I have to believe in, All I need to make it real is one more reason. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sad. But I won't let this build up inside of me. I won't let this build up inside of me. I won't let this build up inside of me. I won't let this build up inside of me. A catch in my throat, choke, Torn into pieces, I won't. No. I don't want to be this but I won't let this build up inside of me. (won't let this build up inside of me) She isn't real. I can't make her real. She isn't real. I can't make her real.


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Show Categories Plugin

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Useful WP-Plugin: Show Categories Plugin

Lena Lee

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Lena Lee, professional WarCraft- and StarCraft-player.

blogg.de, blogg.de-Weblogs und WordPress

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Eben bei Jaman gefunden: Inzwischen wurde durch Hagen einiges herausgefunden, was die Pingerei mit WordPress angeht: Eigentlich sollten ja jetzt keine Fragen zu diesem Thema mehr offen sein, oder? :)

Schweizer HipHop

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Rocket In My Pocket

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Vortr�ge halten - Pr�sentieren / ein kostenloses e-book

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M�dchen und Frauen

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Mädchen und Frauen Und auf Seite 18 dann: Warum ein kausaler Zusammenhang besteht.

Sarah Felberbaum

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Sarah Felberbaum

Come together

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Come together (HUGE flash) [via Titanic]

Diogenes bei buch.de

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A - Age: 24 B - Band listening to right now: Slipknot C - Career future: Something that involves the net and advising people on how to use it. D - Dad's name: Thomas E - Easiest person to talk to: Totally depends on the subject. F - Favorite song: None. Or many. Depends on the point of view. G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears. H - Hometown: Lörrach. I - Instruments: I used to play piano. I royally sucked at that. J - Job: Junior Consultant. K - Kids: Not yet. L - Longest car ride ever: I guess it was Lörrach - Belgium - Lörrach, when I picked up our van. M - Mom's name: Heidrun. N - Number of people you slept with: Those, who need to know, know. O - Obsession(s): My girlfriend, the web, weblogs. P - Phobia(s): Ha, as if I'd tell you! Q - Quote: Men, who don't have problems with women, are usually gay. R - Reason to smile: People being nice. I'm quite easy to please.. :) S - Song you sang last: I sang along with the radio this morning, when taking a shower. I forgot. what song it was. T - Time you wake up: 6:30 U - Unknown fact about me: I know Kung-Fu, Karate and 36 other dangerous words. V - Vegetable you hate: Carrots. W - Worst habit: I hate people, who are not in time, even though I'm often late. X - X-rays you've had: Teeth. Y - Yummy food: Malaysian food, (it's amazing. Almost the best thing about the country.) Burger King Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio. [via Julien]


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Fussball Bikini Triumph krönt die Figur - seit neustem auch die von weiblichen Fussballfans. Mehr beim Blick, gefunden habe ich es im EM-Blog.

Was ich halt gar nicht mag..

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Was ich halt gar nicht mag: mir von einem 17-jährigen Masturbator aus Salzburg die Nacht versauen zu lassen.
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This page is an archive of entries from June 2004 listed from newest to oldest.

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